Something for Everyone


Attendees at the ONS Congress are still energized on the start of day three of the conference. Today’s sessions covered a wide range of topics ranging from long-term care of breast cancer survivors to treatment of metastatic disease.

Attendees at the ONS Congress are still energized on the start of day three of the conference. The 6:00 AM educational breakfasts are well attended and traffic in the exhibit area remains high-paced. Marilyn Haas delivered the annual Bench to Bedside lecture on advancements in radiation therapy. The technological advancements have made this treatment modality more targeted in its delivery and consequently safer and more effective.

Today’s sessions covered a wide range of topics ranging from long-term care of breast cancer survivors to treatment of metastatic disease. A workshop on financial planning was sponsored by the ONS Foundation. Pain management continues to be a topic of interest. In addition to clinical topics, there are sessions geared to self-care, such as the session on Healing the Healer within You. The Congress Planning Team has ensured that there is “something for everyone” attending this conference.

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