
John A. Carrino, MD, MPH


Getting the Most Out of 3 Tesla MRI of the Spine

The use of 3 Tesla MRI scans is becoming increasingly common in clinical practice.

John Leddy, MD


Pediatric fractures in sports: Epidemiology and strategies for prevention

ABSTRACT: Sports activities are becoming increasingly popularamong children in the United States. The number of pediatric injuriescontinues to grow with the number of participants; up to25% of the injuries are fractures. The authors used a broad searchof databases and analyzed the current literature to help define theepidemiology and identify possible prevention strategies. Commonfracture locations include the distal radius, hand, elbow, and clavicle;90% of fractures involve the upper limb. Males sustain fracturestwice as often as females. The highest numbers of injuries occur inbicycle riding, basketball, football, and roller sports. Prospectivestudies of preventive strategies for pediatric sport fractures areurgently needed. (J Musculoskel Med. 2008;25:230-234, 254)

Julie Bowen


What’s New in Psoriatic Arthritis at ACR 2018? A Quiz

Are you up-to-date on the latest findings presented at the recent ACR annual meeting? Take this quick quiz to find out.

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