
Veronica Hackenthal, MD


Heart Pump may Expand Treatment Options for Elderly with Heart Failure

Heart pumps may work just as well as heart transplants for older heart failure patients and complex cases, finds a study presented at the ISHLT annual meeting.

Veronica Hackethal MD


Three Studies in CV Risk Management: What's the Practice Impact?

Oral anticoagulant choice in the obese; how to reduce inflammation in atherosclerosis; and optimal DAPT duration post-PCI. Top-line reviews of 3 new studies highlight potential for practice change.

W. Ben Kibler, MD


Conducting the “nonshoulder” shoulder examination

Optimal shoulder function is achieved with the kinetic chain. Alterations in this sequenced activation of body segments often are associated with shoulder injury. A screening examination of areas proximal to the shoulder where these alterations often are found can help physicians make the diagnosis.

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