
Rami N. Khouzam, MD, Farmington Heart Center, Farmington, NM


A misleading ECG

A 10-year-old girl was brought to her primary care provider by her mother because she complained of chest pain earlier that morning. She also reported abdominal pain and nausea.

Victor Dostrow, MD


New Statin Myopathy Warning: Best to Heed This

"Statin" (HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, used for dyslipidemia) use in the US is very high and climbing. As the population becomes fatter and even some children become extremely obese, these agents are often prescribed to address elevated LDL and other lipid perturbations.

Giovanni de Simone, MD1


Body mass index and cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy

In a separate analysis of patients enrolled in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study, thin patients and those with moderate-to-severe obesity were at increased risk for cardiovascular events. These results indicate that patients at the low anda high ends of the body size spectrum should be treated aggressively to lower the risk of cardiovascular events.

Sean Alemi, MD


Tackling Physician Burnout by Giving Back

How care providers can improve their perspective and better their stress with some volunteer work where it's needed most.

C. E. (Gene) Reeder, RPh, PhD


NOW Initiative: Payer & Provider Collaborations in Oncology Benefits Management

Payers recognize the need to expand benefits management for oncology but struggle to find effective solutions amid the complexity of available therapies and skepticism from oncologists, who are facing their own set of economic pressures. The National Oncology Working Group (NOW) Initiative is trying to change the sometimes adversarial relationship between payers and oncologists through a collaborative model.

Viola Vaccarino, MD, PhD


Sex, depression, and health outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Depression at the time of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is associated with a lack of functional benefits at 6 months after the surgery. These negative effects appear to be stronger for women than for men. Further research is needed to determine whether the treatment of depression after CABG surgery can improve outcomes. In the meantime, current guidelines recommend evaluation for symptoms of depression after CABG surgery and consideration of treatment for both men and women.

Jim Swinarski


Study Examines Risk for Psychiatric Disorders in Offspring of Mentally Ill Parents

A child's risk for bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may be directly impacted by having one or more parents with the condition.

Katie Eder, Managing Editor


International Guidelines for Psoriatic Arthritis Are Based on Weak Evidence

Many studies that inform current international guidelines for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are of poor quality and lack applicability in clinical practice.

Associate Editor-in-Chief of Cardiology Review


Cardiovascular events in hypertension trials: A focus on perindopril

Pharmacologic inhibition of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) has become a widely accepted ap­proach to lowering blood pressure (BP).

Jacqueline A. Cooper, BSc


Is circulating heat shock protein 60 a marker for susceptibility to cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes?

The vital cell stress protein, heat shock protein (Hsp)60, has recently been found in the circulation of healthy subjects over an extremely large concentration range. We performed an analysis of subjects with diabetes to determine whether Hsp60 is associated with biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease. Results showed that high circulating levels of Hsp60 are associated with clinically manifest cardiovascular disease. Hsp60 has cytokine-like actions, which may be responsible for this association.

Mary Caffrey


Senate Health Bill Offers $202 Billion More in Savings Than House Bill, CBO Finds

An estimated 22 million more people would lose health coverage through 2026, which is 1 million less than the 23 million estimated under the American Health Care Act (AHCA).

Michael Fertik


Online Reputation: 6 Tips from's Michael Fertik

Technophile or technophobe, your online presence is becoming increasingly important. Four out of five Internet users now look online when they need health care information, and searches for specific providers make up a sizable portion of their requests.

Kevin Douglas, MD, MPH


Intensive statin therapy in acute coronary syndrome

We conducted a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials involving 17 963 subjects to determine the effect of intensive statin therapy instituted within 14 days of hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome. Results showed that early, intensive statin therapy is safe and significantly decreases cardiovascular death and recurrent ischemia following acute coronary syndrome after 6 months of treatment.

Beni Toure


For HbA1c in RA Patients, Sarilumab Outperforms Adalimumab, Placebo

A post hoc analysis presented at CCR West found sarilumab outperformed adalimumab and placebo in HbA1c improvement in rheumatoid arthritis patients with diabetes.

Jonathan L. Elion MD, FACC


Emerging Technologies for Clinical Documentation Improvement

Computer applications in the Clinical Documentation Improvement field are poised to make a transformative leap.

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