
Kim Farina, PhD


NAPNAP 2012: Taking Control of Online Healthcare Information

Bryn Vartabedian, MD, offers valuable tips and advice for health care providers who are interested in using social media to engage with and educate their patients.

Felicita Andreotti, MD, PhD


Benefit of aspirin plus moderate-intensity oral anticoagulation compared with aspirin alone after acute coronary syndromes

The role of combination therapy with an oral anticoagulant and aspirin for patients recovering from an acute coronary syndrome is still being debated. The results of our meta-analysis showed that treatment with aspirin plus warfarin at international normalized ratio values between 2 and 3 significantly reduces the risk of major adverse events compared with aspirin alone but also increases the risk of major bleeding. For every 100 patients receiving combination therapy, approximately 3 major adverse events are prevented and 1 major hemorrhage occurs.

Vincent Miller, MD


FoundationOne CDx: A Broad Companion Diagnostic Test for Cancer Tumors

Vincent Miller, MD, chief medical officer of Foundation Medicine, discusses FoundationOne CDx, an FDA-approved diagnostic that is clinically validated for solid tumors.

Robert T. Grant, MD, MSc, FACS


When to Perform Reconstructive Surgery in Children with Facial Birth Defects

Birth defects can set a family up for a lifetime of challenges, but thanks to some amazing advances in modern cosmetic surgery, there are options available to improve a child's quality of life.

Preston Church, MD, MUSC Health


HIV/AIDS: Progress in Treatment

In this podcast, Dr. Church reviews the developments of new treatments for HIV.

Ikenna A. Nwachukwu, MD


Left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome: A case report of an unusual syndrome

A 65-year-old woman with a history of anxiety disorder, dyslipidemia, and recently diagnosed celiac sprue was transferred to the heart center after presenting to a peripheral community hospital with marked fatigue, progressively worsening dyspnea on exertion, and bilateral lower extremity swelling with associated bilateral arm tingling.

Benjamin J. Brown, MD


The Deceptive Income of Physicians

Physicians are among the most well-compensated professionals in the US, right? Well, it depends on how you look at it.

Barbara Rapchak


Cell Phone-based Telemonitoring Helps Cancer: Patients Adhere to Treatment Regimens

Wireless technologies like cell phones and radio frequency identification can help improve treatment compliance and quality of life for cancer patients.

Saeed Syed, MD, FRCP, FACP


Monitoring Hospital Care Through HCAHPS

The National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Leapfrog Group, the Joint Commission, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are just a few of the many national and local payers and regulatory agencies that have developed indicators to monitor quality of care.

Derek Funk, Esq.


Can You Collect Disability Benefits For Burnout?

Physician's applying for disability due to "burnout" need to be prepared to combat insurance companies seeking to trivialize and downplay the situation.

Dogan Erdogan, MD: From the Suleyman Demirel University Medical Faculty, Cardiology Department, Isparta, Turkey.


Impaired coronary blood flow reserve in prehypertension and function

Despite the fact that prehypertension has been shown to be associated with atherosclerosis and target-organ damage, no studies evaluating coronary flow reserve (CFR) among prehypertensive patients have been done. We assessed CFR in normotensive subjects, in subjects with prehypertension, and in newly diagnosed and never-treated subjects with established hypertension. We found that CFR was decreased in prehypertensive subjects, although not as significantly as in subjects with hypertension.

Staff Writer, Oncology Specialty Group


Taxane-related Peripheral Neuropathy Associated with Better Outcomes

For patients with early breast cancer, peripheral neurotoxicity is an unfortunate side effect of treatment with taxanes, but there may be a silver lining.

A. Bonnie Gillis


Novel Therapy First to Extend Survival in Advanced Melanoma

The results of a randomized phase III study showed that when ipilimumab (also known as MDX-010) was administered with or without the gp100 peptide vaccine, it extended survival by 34% compared with the gp100 peptide vaccine alone in patients with previously treated advanced melanoma.

J. Michael Boyd, PharmD


Dronedarone: Boon or bust?

Atrial fibrillation affects over 2.2 million Americans and is estimated to affect up to 10 million by 2050.

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