TechSectors: EMRs/EHRs: One Patient, One Chart
May 12th 2008To promote adoption, MGH has taken advantage of new safe harbors in Stark rules and anti-kickback legislation to subsidize software licenses, implementation services, and support services for participating practices affi liated with MaineGeneral hospitals.
Tech Talk - Tech 101: Online Learning
May 12th 2008All physicians understand that learning is a lifelong activity. Whether we are interested in fulfilling our professional CME requirements, or learning about new things that simply enrich our lives, opportunities to become more educated and knowledgeable have never been easier to find and access. This broad availability of educational resources is, in large part, due to widespread access to personal computers and the Internet.
Voice Recognition Software: Making Technology Work for You
May 12th 2008The best programs also come equipped with medical dictionaries with thousands of words commonly used in daily practice by physicians and specialists, eliminating the need to build the program's vocabulary from scratch.
Eye on Innovation: The Nano-brain
May 12th 2008Anirban Bandyopadhyay, PhD, artifi cial intelligence and molecular electronics scientist, National Institute for Materials Science at Tsukuba, Japan, talks about the "Nano-brain," a brain neuron-inspired, microscopic computer made up of 17 duroquinone molecules sitting in a ring pattern on a gold surface. The assembly has the potential to perform more than 4.3 billion commands at once, and could have far-reaching implications for medicine.