Useless Medical Devices
Throughout history, the public's pursuit of good health has, in the absence of scientific method or even common sense, motivated the creation of some downright ridiculous medical devices.
The Second Annual Gearhead's Holiday Gadget Buying Guide
A brief guide to the must-have gadgets for you and your loved ones this holiday season.
Where's the Love for Tablet PCs?
Tablet PCs are computers powered by Windows operating systems that support functionality for input using digitizing screens designed to interact with a complementary pen.
TechSectors: Connectivity: Improving Physician-Patient Communication
More than ever before, healthcare professionals are strapped for time.
Tech Talk: Great Gadgets
If you watch television and you haven’t started using a digital video recorder yet, you need to take a closer look at what this gadget can do for your life.
TechSectors: Mobile/Wireless: iPhone 3G, the First 30 Days
Last year, I promised myself not to accept waiting in line for the iPhone "classic" and was fortunate enough to sneak into an Apple store late one night to purchase one without any hassles.