Revolutionary Techniques in Neurosurgery: A Q&A with Ravish Patwardhan, MD
April 15th 2010Ravish Patwardhan, MD, is the founder and director of the Comprehensive Neurosurgery Network (, which "specializes in minimally invasive techniques for treating brain and spine problems." Patwardhan has more than 12 years of experience in the neurosurgery industry and has published several peer-reviewed studies on brain trauma, tumors, epilepsy, and spinal procedures. He is also a frequent speaker on the latest treatments and advances in brain and spinal surgeries.
What Are Your Lawsuit Risks? Choosing the Right Asset Protection Plan for You
April 15th 2010The specific structure of an asset protection plan must involve a consideration of the details particular to your situation. A plan that works well for one person may be completely wrong for another. For example, the income tax and estate tax benefits of a plan must be efficiently tuned based on your age, income, accumulated wealth, and your family dynamics. The types of assets that you own can also make a big difference in the planning.
Will the Apple iPad and other Next-generation Devices Make 2010 the Year of the Tablet PC?
April 15th 2010There certainly was quite a bit of hype surrounding Apple's February unveiling of the iPad tablet computer. Now that all of the excitement has died down, let's take a look at what the device has to offer for physicians and what that might mean for the tablet market.
A Neurologist's View of Meaningful Use
April 15th 2010The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology issued a policy on December 30, 2009 setting forth the proposed rules describing how hospitals and physicians could qualify for government money to support the adoption of an EHR.
Did you take your medication today?
April 15th 2010One of the largest and most costly problems facing the healthcare industry is that patients don't consistently take the medicine they've been prescribed. More accurately, between one-third and one-half of patients in the US do not take their medications as instructed, according to an August 2009 report released by the New England Healthcare Institute (