A panel of experts discusses the clinical management of diabetic macular edema and the available and upcoming treatment options.
EP. 1: An Overview of Diabetic Macular Edema
Joseph M. Coney, MD, and Theodore Leng, MD, FACS, define diabetic macular edema and explain the typical symptoms to watch for and patient referral patterns.
EP. 2: Pathophysiology of Diabetic Macular Edema
Retina specialists describe how diabetic retinopathy leads to diabetic macular edema, and the pathophysiology of the condition.
EP. 3: Diagnostic Testing for Diabetic Macular Edema
Dr Theodore Leng reviews the preferred testing options for diabetic macular edema.
EP. 4: Progression of Diabetic Macular Edema
A panel of experts explains how diabetic macular edema progresses over time and how to educate patients about progression prevention.
EP. 5: Diabetic Macular Edema with Concomitant Conditions
A professor of ophthalmology describes how concomitant conditions with diabetic macular edema affect the urgency of treatment regimens.
EP. 6: Treatment Options for Diabetic Macular Edema
Ehsan Rahimy, MD, and Joseph M. Coney, MD, review the available treatment options for diabetic macular edema.
EP. 7: Anti-VEGF Agents for Diabetic Macular Edema
Theodore Leng, MD, FACS, describes the currently available anti-VEGF agents for treating diabetic macular edema and what factors to consider when choosing a therapy.
EP. 8: Diabetic Macular Edema: Limitations of Anti-VEGF Agents
Retina experts discuss the limitations of anti-VEGF agents in treating diabetic macular edema.
EP. 9: Reviewing Anti-VEGF Agents in Clinical Practice
Dr Joseph M. Coney reviews his personal experience using anti-VEGF agents to treat diabetic macular edema in his clinical practice.
EP. 10: Considerations for Switching Diabetic Macular Edema Treatments
Ehsan Rahimy, MD, and Theodore Leng, MD, FACS, discuss how to assess patient response to treatment and when to switch agents.
EP. 11: Maintenance Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema
Key opinion leaders describe maintenance treatments for diabetic macular edema and provide an overview of the PANORAMA study.
EP. 12: Anti-VEGF Agents and Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Score
Retina specialists review clinical trial data on the impact of anti-VEGF agents on diabetic retinopathy severity scores.
EP. 13: Diabetic Macular Edema: Faricimab
Joseph M. Coney, MD, provides an overview of the drug faricimab for treating diabetic macular edema.
EP. 14: Emerging Treatment Options for Diabetic Macular Edema
Dr. Ehsan Rahimy describes the emerging treatment options for diabetic macular edema.
EP. 15: The Future of Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema
Dr Theodore Leng discusses what the future may hold for patients with diabetic macular edema.