About that apple-a-day keeping the doctor away-is there proof? Find out in this slide-show summary of some well-known, and lesser-known, facts about apples and good health.
About that apple-a-day keeping the doctor away-is there proof? Find out in this slide-show summary of some well-known, and lesser-known, facts about apples and good health.
Comparing Apples & Oranges, & Bananas: Americans eat more bananas than any other fresh fruit (average, 25 lb, or 100 average-sized fruits/yr).
Core Components: Apples contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Apples, Gut Microbes, and Cardiovascular Health: Apples and their components may modulate cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.
Antioxidants in Apples vs Cancer: Antioxidant power in apples ranks among the highest in fruits.
Antioxidants may protect cells from cancer-inducing oxidative damage, prevent the start of cancer growth, stop continued tumor growth, and promote cancer cell death.
Apples may suppress breast cancer tumor growth.
Eating ≥1 apples/d associated with lower risk of lung & colon cancer.
Adding 3 apples/d to women’s diets helps lower calorie intake & contributes to weight loss, very important for cancer prevention.
Study: Apples Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Participants from the Nurses’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study II, and Health Professionals Follow-up Study.
Potassium Protects Heart, Bones, and Muscles: Apples rank among the best sources of K.
Apple Juice Ups Mood in Alzheimer: Apple juice reduces CNS oxidative damage, suppresses AD hallmarks, improves cognitive performance, organizes synaptic signaling.
Appeal of the Peel:Please Eat! Recommendation: Fresh apples should not be peeled.
Just Desserts: Apple vs Chocolate Bar? Study: assessed impact of a descriptive label that highlights an apple’s taste vs its health value on likelihood of the fruit’s selection vs a chocolate bar for a dessert.
ALERT: Does Apple a Day Really Keep Doc Away? JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175:777-783.
Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? A number of well-conducted studies support both well-known, and lesser-known, health benefits of the autumnal fruit, from antioxidant effects and cancer prevention to mood elevation in dementia. But one study, described later in this slideshow, reveals findings on the subject that might surprise you.
Above find brief summaries of some of the newer science behind the old adage and polish up this traditional heart-healthy Rx.