The overall consensus from MGMA 2010 attendees is that the conference was largely a success.
The overall consensus from MGMA 2010 attendees is that the conference was largely a success. We scoured the Web to see what they had to say and what they did.
Compensation Shifts Will Spur Acquisitions
With numerous compliance challenges, like Stark laws and anti-kickback statutes, making the implementation of incentive compensation systems by independent physicians a legal nightmare, Bruch Johnson, practice management consultant and health attorney, Faegre & Benson, Denver, CO, told a packed house at MGMA 2010 that the acquisition by hospitals of medical practices will only increase in frequency. Modern Healthcare has more.
From MGMA 10/27/10
Inga from HIStalk shares a number of impressions from the annual conference, summarizing what she interpreted as the big buzzes this year; they were, in her eyes, financial matters that worry practice administrators, hospitals buying practices at high rates, and meaningful use.
MGMA: M&A Activity Emphasizes IT Integration
In more acquisition news, Mark Reibolt, CPA, managing partner and CEO, Coker Capital Advisors, Alpharetta, GA, told Healthcare IT News that emphasis has been placed on IT integration and continuity of care due to mergers and acquisitions among hospital, health systems, and physician-led medical groups. Reibolt added that physicians are ultimately driving the growth in the health care industry.
Photos from MGMA 2010 Annual Conference
Check out MGMA flickr page dedicated to the conference. You think Mardi Gras might have been a theme? Pictures from disposable cameras that were handed out at the conference will appear on the page soon. Should be interesting.
Selecting an EHR
This roughly five-minute video, filmed in New Orleans during MGMA 2010, features Marion Jenkins, CEO and founder, QSE Technologies, who offers tips on choosing the right EHR to meet a physician practice’s needs.
Tech Lag Is Safety Issue: Microsoft Director
During yesterday morning’s keynote speech, Bill Crounse, MD, senior director of worldwide health and MDNGadvisory board member, explained how the lag in health IT adoption in the US, compared to other countries, can lead to patient-safety risks and inefficient systems. Crounse explained that although the US was once a world leader in health IT use, the lack of system and hardware updates has left American hospitals using a lot of outdated technology and equipment.
Top Takeaways from MGMA
Debra Beaulieu, editor at FiercePracticeManagement, reviews some of the top lessons she took away from the conference. Among her observations: physician practices don’t exist in a bubble, physician reimbursement is bound to decrease while the cost of practice increases, and health care alignment isn’t going anywhere.
Understanding Meaningful Use
Just under six minutes, this video from MGMA features David Blumenthal, MD, MPP, national coordinator for health information technology, who discusses EHR meaningful use criteria and what resources are available to physicians to help in the implementation of EHR systems that will allow them to meet these criteria.
Did you attend this year's conference? If so, what was your overall impression? What did you learn? Didn't attend? Tell us why.