

Physician's Money Digest

November15 2003
Issue 21


This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:


West Side Story.

(2003): Just thethought of JackNicholson costarringwith AdamSandler in a filmmay make youchuckle under yourbreath. But canthey pull it off? Yesand no. Nicholsonplays Dr. Buddy Rydell, a celebratedanger management therapist,who, through a bizarre turn ofevents, offers to treat the mild-manneredbusinessman, Dave Buznick,played by Sandler. Soft-spoken andreserved, Buznick is perhaps themost unlikely character to needanger management until Rydellinsists on intensive in-home therapy.The chemistry between the 2actors is good as Buznick's repressedanger slowly bubbles to thesurface. There is also a strong supportivecast and a throng ofcameos, including Marissa Tomei,Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, andJohn C. Reilly. The premise is amusing,though far-fetched. Overall, thescript is a bit weak and I would evenargue that the character developmentis a bit forced. I don't think,however, that this movie should bedismissed entirely; there are momentsand shots that are little comicgems—especially the scene involvinga certain song from Nicholson has a real flair for comedy,and I would like him to choosemore comic roles.

Rating: 2

Lisa A. Tomaszewski, managing editorof Physician's Money Digest, is currentlyworking on her PhD in literature atDrew University in New Jersey. She isan avid fan of film and has taught asummer film course at FairleighDickinson University. She welcomesquestions, comments, or suggestions forfuture film reviews at 732-656-1140ext 195 or

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