Physician's Money Digest
(Ad Age, 2003)
$1.3 billion—Total 2002 spending on US advertising by McDonald's.
(AARP, 2003)
80%—Percentage of baby boomers who plan to work part-time duringtheir retirement.
(US Defense Dept, 2003)
1.4 millionNumber of active US military personnel around the world.
(Wall Street Journal, 2003)
70%—Percentage of Americans who think the estate tax should berepealed completely.
(US Office of Management & Budget, 2003)
$13.3 billion—Total amount of annual improper Medicare payments.
(Giving USA, 2003)
$241 billion—Total charitable giving by Americans this past year.
(USDept of Transportation, 2003)
1.2—Average distance in miles a person goes to walk for exercise.
(Investor's Business Daily, 2003)
57.5%—Percentage of all US college graduates who are women.
(Mediamark Research, 2003)
42%—Percentage of teenagers in the United States who say "notenough money" is a cause of stress.
(Mediamark Research, 2003)
66%—Percentage of teenagers in the United States who say "a lot ofhomework" is a cause of stress.