Physician's Money Digest
This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:
Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The Order of
the Phoenix
Chamber of Secrets
(2002): Now thatsummer is in fullswing, physician parentsmay havetheir hands fullwith entertainingthe kids. May Isuggest some terrificfamily entertainment—?Often, sequels are a disappointment—that is just a fact of life. Inthe case of this film series, however,the scripts are well craftedwith a great respect for theirsource—the page-turning phenomenon,J. K. Rowling's highlyacclaimed novels. My suggestionis to read the book that inspiredthe movie with your children(perhaps you're already throughthe latest installment, ). The Harry Potterseries is a wonderful opportunityto encourage reading. The cast ofis stellar, includingseveral titans of theindustry—Maggie Smith, AlanRickman, and Richard Harris.And the "child stars" hold theirown with these legends. This filmhas a faster pace than its predecessor,which may be a plus foryounger audiences. I, however,preferred the slower, more detailedpace of the first film.Overall, this movie was a treat,and I can only hope that thefuture installments will meet thesame standard.
Rating: 3 1/2
Lisa A. Tomaszewski, managing editor
of Physician's Money Digest, is currently
working on her PhD in literature at
Drew University in New Jersey. She
is an avid fan of film and has taught
a summer film course at Fairleigh
Dickinson University. She welcomes
questions, comments, or suggestions
for future film reviews at 732-656-1140
ext 195 or