Physician's Money Digest
The budget noose is tighteningaround some state colleges, and thevictims are likely to be the parentsof students in those schools. Bigdrops in state spending on highereducation are pushing tuition feesup, according to a report from theNational Center for Public Policyand Higher Education ( In 16 states, tuition at state colleges has increasedby more than 10%, while spendingon student grant aid has decreasedin 17 states. In New York, a proposed41% tuition increase forschools in the SUNY system is onthe table for implementation inSeptember. In Massachusetts, tuitionin 4-year state colleges is up24%, while student aid was cut by24%. Mid-year tuition hikes anywherefrom 6% to 13% have beenput in place in a half dozen states.