Physician's Money Digest
One drawback:
What good are the frequent flyermiles you get for using certain creditcards if you don't fly often? Infrequentflyers may opt for cash-reward cards forjust this reason. Now there's a new wayto get a cash reward for your purchases:BondRewards (408-395-4273; earns you BondDollars, which you can use to buy USSavings bonds. To earn Bond Dollars,you must shop online through theBondRewards Web site from partneringmerchants like Macy's, Target, Dell,Barnes & Noble, Gap, and Kmart,which offer rebates in Bond Dollars ofup to 15%. Collect 50 Bond Dollarsand you get a $50 Series EE savingsbond. You may have await before you see any actual cash.Once you get your bond in the mail,you must hold it for 6 months beforeyou can cash it in.