Physician's Money Digest
David Scott's Guides: Investing
in Common Stocks
David Scott's Guides
It may not be rocket science,but investing in today's stockmarket still isn't a piece ofcake, even when it comes tocommon stocks. Fortunatelyfor busy physician-investorsthere are people like David L.Scott, PhD, who turn complicatedfinancial subject matterinto easy-to-understand guides. Withover 30 years'experience teaching investingand financing under his belt,the economic professor turns his attentionto the average investor in his latestwork, ($9.95; HoughtonMifflin; 2005), the fourth book in theseries .
Inside the pages of this 176-pagepaperback you'll find a comprehensiveA-to-Z explanation of stockinvesting. The author leaves noinvestment stone unturned,covering everything from howto make informed stock decisionsto how to select the rightbrokerage firm. And since nogood guide on stock investingwould be complete without aword or two about the risks involved, Dr.Scott dedicates an entire chapter to thesubject. In addition to all of the usefulinformation you'll find to help you builda substantial retirement nest egg, there'salso a handy glossary at the end of thebook. As Dr. Scott admits in the introduction,when it comes to investmentguidance, "it's all here in a concise andinexpensive package that is written ineveryday language."