Physician's Money Digest
How about a retirement plan withno limits on contributions that letsyou reduce your taxable income bythe amount you put in, and offersyou asset protection? That's thepromise behind a 412(i) plan, a little-knowndefined-benefit pension planthat can be ideal for doctors who arewithin 5 to 10 years of retirement.
For example, a 55-year-old maledoctor with $200,000 in annual practiceincome who puts $133,000 into a412(i) plan reduces his taxable ScheduleC income by that amount andguarantees his retirement income. Ifhe funds the 412(i) with a life insurancepolicy, he also provides protectionfor his family. The money in the412(i) plan is tax-deferred until it'staken out. It is protected from creditors(including successful malpracticelitigants) under the EmployeeRetirement Income Security Act.For more facts, contact ProfessionalBenefits Group (732-936-9900;www. professional