Physician's Money Digest
Investor's Business Daily
The key to success with growth stocks isdiscovering a good breakout. But whatmakes a winner stand out from the rest?Physician-investors can begin their hunt bychecking out the new sections offered by. Their "NewAmerica"section profiles mostly youngup-and-coming companies whose stockslead the market, and the "Internet &Technology"section covers firms whoseinterests follow the latest tech trends.Every Monday, the "IBD 100"charts all thestocks that make the list and relays recentnews and events related to the top 100.One company is profiled in depth, with upto four mini profiles. Additional profilesalso appear in the Tuesday, Wednesday,and Thursday issues. To effectively performyour research before investing in a stock,come up with a list collected from the featuresabove. After you investigate thebasics of sales and growth, see how eachstock ranks on Monday's IBD 100 section.Then, search the archives on to see if it has beenprofiled. Just remember that the articlesprovide information current to the time ofthe writing, so be sure to check the publicationdate. It's always a good idea tocheck with a financial advisor before makingany big investment decisions.