Physician's Money Digest
If you have children, it'simportant to have a financialplan ready for their futurein case you and your spousedie prematurely. But what ifyou have a special-needs childwho requires constant careand who will never be self-sufficient, financially or otherwise? As a physician,you may have treated special-needschildren and witnessed just how dependentthey are on their parents. If there is noplan for their future, receiving the care andsupport they need may be a challenge.According to an article in , to prepare for this unexpectedevent, parents should contact a financialplanner who specializes in special-needschildren. Together they will create a letterof intent for whoever they choose tobecome guardian of their child in the eventof their death, detailing all of their goalsfor the child's care. They will also discusshow much money needs to be saved forthe child's future and establish a trustfunded by a life insurance policy.