Physician's Money Digest
New York Times
Placing a parent into an assisted-livingfacility is never an easy transition,even for a physician who is used to caringfor the frail and elderly. If you havean elderly parent who is reluctant tomove from their home and into anassisted-living facility, perhaps you canconvince them to take a retirementcommunity test drive. According to the, most assisted livingcommunities offer the option of ashort-term stay so your hesitant parentcan test the waters of the communityand determine if staying there on a permanentbasis is right for them. Thisway, your parent can have a choice ofwhere to live instead of being thrustinto a home. Short-term stays are alsoideal for a frail parent following an illnessor surgery, so they can receive carefrom the staff as needed. They also maybe persuaded to stay at the communityafter experiencing the care, attention,and activities the facility provides.