Physician's Money Digest
Are you a physician who's trying topinch every penny possible? Then you'll bepleasantly surprised that, according to theMotley Fool (, there areseveral little ways to save money in yourhome that you may not have thought of,including the following:
•Insulate your water heater and lowerits thermostat when you leave the housefor an extended period.
•Install dimmer switches so you canuse softer, energy-saving lighting when fulllighting isn't necessary.
•Use a smaller amount of cleansingagent than recommended, as it will usuallyget the job done and will stretch out theamount of time you use one bottle. To reallycut costs, consider making your owncleanser. Buy an inexpensive gallon ofbleach, then mix a small amount with water.
•Use home dry-cleaning products insteadof sending your clothes out to anexpensive dry cleaner.
•Keep your blinds closed, which keepsa room cool or helps hold heat in at night.