

Physician's Money Digest

October 2006
Issue 10

READINGROOM: America's Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops


America's Bubble Economy

America's Bubble Economy

America's Bubble Economy

The bursting of the Internet stock bubble duringthe "Roaring 90s" was the hardest lesson aninvestor could have learned. And while it left abad taste in the mouth of every investor, the authors of(John Wiley & Sons; 2006)feel that too many people are unaware of the loomingand inevitable risk of the bubble in our economy today.In , David Wiedemer, RobertA. Wiedemer, Cindy S. Spitzer, and Eric Janszen examine the characteristics of economicbubbles and demonstrate that America's current economic state is one giantbubble made up of many smaller bubbles. And just like a soap bubble about to pop,these smaller bubbles are all teetering towers of instability just waiting to crashdown and create a giant financial earthquake the authors refer to as a "bubblequake." After outlining the classic characteristics of finance-related bubbles, thebook then offers important pitfalls to sidestep, such as avoiding adjustable-ratedebt, purchasing real estate only for personal use, and eliminating our dependencyon fixed payment pensions. is a guide to the art ofunderstanding bubbles and how to profit from them without getting burned bytheir inevitable collapse. The authors don't promise pie-in-the-sky riches; they simplyoffer lucid, commonsense explanations of why the bubble economy is so unstableand how smart physician-investors can profit when it pops.

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