Physician's Money Digest
Investment News
Most physician-investors take that bigstep when diversifying their portfolios byadding an international fund. But that isonly scratching the surface, and manyinvestors are unaware that profits can beincreased and risk decreased by diversifyingtheir international investments as well.More often than not, international stocksare underrepresented in US portfolios, andwhen they are represented, many investorsconsider international investing as onebroad category. According to , international investing has a varietyof asset subclasses—including growth,value, large cap, small cap, and emergingmarkets. And while there is sometimes hesitancedue to currency fluctuations, politicalrisks, etc, international investing is quicklygaining momentum in the market. In 2002,cash flow into international markets wasjust $1 billion. In 2005—just 3 yearslater—investors committed about $150billion. says someexperts suggest anywhere between 20%and 50% of a portfolio should be investedin international holdings. And while investingat the asset subclass level can be complex,more and more institutional investmentexperts are available to help yourelieve some of the risk by helping you withyour investment selection and allocation.