

Physician's Money Digest

April 2007
Issue 4

READING ROOM: Financial Bliss: A Couple's Guide to Merging Money Styles and Building a Rich Life Together

Financial Bliss

Financial Bliss

At the end of a long day with difficult patients, thelast thing you want to do is come home to a longnight of bickering with your significant other aboutmoney. Money is the number one cause of divorce in theUnited States and the major instigator of couple's arguments.The main reason is that everyone has a different relationshipwith money—how they organize and pay their bills, how they balancetheir checkbook, and most importantly, how they spend and save those hard earneddollars. In (AMACOM; 2007), financial analyst Bambi Holzerteaches couples how to get the most out of their lives together by understandingeach other's money tendencies and developing a game plan for a successful future.The book offers readers self-assessment quizzes to understand their own money-personality,and a plan for working with their partner to ensure that both sides arecomfortable with the financial decisions being made. Vital issues are discussedsuch as whether or not it is best for a couple to combine finances or keep themseparate, and preparing for milestone events like children, home purchases, andeducation. also addresses financial concerns that both married andunmarried couples face, such as insurance, credit, and property ownership options.Both realistic and reassuring, this is an invaluable guide that helps couples solvemoney problems and create a life plan.

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