

Physician's Money Digest

June 2007
Issue 6

Ebay Opportunities, a Profitable Hobby


Winnie the


The Big Book

Doctors who may want to spend theirretirement making some extra cash mightconsider selling their treasures on Ebay. Arecent article in has rated thevalue of items on Ebay, such as books,electronics, art, and animal collectibles. Ifyou are considering selling books, classicfirst editions of children's books are fetchinghigh prices. A first edition by A.A. Milne sold recently for $500.Other big sellers include early editions ofAlcholohics Anonymous's and oversized books with large prints offlowers or birds. However, you may not getmuch for your old mass market bestsellersor paperbacks.

As for electronics, used iPods in workingorder are fetching 50% of their originalprice, while iPods still in their packaging arereceiving 80% to 90% of their retail value.Folk art from unknown artists, particularlyworks prior to 1900, has the potential tofetch thousands of dollars. What is not hotare works from today's unknown artists,which sell for $30 or less. Animal collectiblesthat are dolphin-related are the topsellers followed by dogs, elephants, cats,and birds. Interestingly, frog-related itemsare the least valuable, averaging less than50% of the value of dolphin items.

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