

Physician's Money Digest

April 2007
Issue 4

Seizing the Practice Opportunities Possible with Technology

A practice struggling to make ends meet may be reluctant to invest in new technology. Because of rapid technological advances, the expensive purchase of an eventually outdated piece of equipment can be a tough pill to swallow. A recent article in Worth, however, describes how technology investments are becoming less risky and can in fact increase the quality of patient care. For example, antibody chips are sifting blood for cancer cells, allowing for earlier detection, which can mean earlier treatment, a reduced cost of treatment, and more importantly a higher remission rate. The reduced cost of health care through technology can also be achieved through the use of advanced CT scans. Only 6 years ago, a four-slice CT scanner was used to detect heart problems; today physicians have access to 256-slice scanners, which provide a higher resolution at a lower cost. In addition, the use of this gold standard CT scan detects and helps prevent advancing heart disease, which is very expensive to treat. Eventually, physicians will have a greater scope of technology at their disposal, allowing for faster and more cost-efficient patient care.

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