Stefan Bornstein, MD: Diabetic Patients During COVID-19


Diabetic patients are more susceptible to severe COVID-19 outcomes.

Diabetic patients need to be particularly careful during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

These patients have become particularly susceptible to suffering from more severe outcomes should they contract the virus.

While there is hope for that more protections in the form of vaccines could be on the way, there is still a need to do a better job of protecting this patient population.

In an interview with HCPLive® Stefan Bornstein, MD, Professor of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes at the Technical University at Dresden, explained what researchers have learned about the interaction between the COVID-19 virus and diabetic patients and what the best practices are for treating these patients.

Bornstein presented new data during the 18th World Congress of Insulin Resistance Diabetes & Cardiovascular (WCIRDC) Online CME Conference, sponsored by the Metabolic Institute of America (TMIOA).

Bornstein’s presentation focuses on the severity of the viral infections and hyperglycemia and uncontrolled diabetes. He explained it is still unknown why there is such an association between this patient population and COVID-19 outcomes.

He also said there needs to be better ways to treat the severely ill patients once they are admitted into the hospital.

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