Valerie Callender, MD, draws on her experiences in clinical practice to discuss cosmetic dermatology care practices and the challenges of this past year.
Valerie Callender, MD
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced changes and adaptations within dermatology. At the surface level, physicians have had to shift to telemedicine and determine which areas within their own practice continue to be viable.
Patients have faced postponement or cancellations (voluntary or not) of consultations and procedures.
In spite of this reality, dermatological care—and the healthcare industry at large—has continued serving and meeting patient needs to the best of their ability.
Furthermore, with a nationwide and global vaccination campaign fully underway, procedures and care practices that have been placed on halt are likely to resume for many clinicians.
Of course, this is a story well-known and often told.
And yet, how might this past year have looked for a cosmetic dermatologist?
Brad Glick, DO, FAAD, sought this perspective in the latest episode of Derm Discussions.
He sat down with Valerie Callender, MD, an internationally recognized dermatologist based in Genn Dale, Maryland, to talk with her about the challenges and shifts within her practice over this past year.
Callender discussed how dermatology and her practice have fared in light of these health measures, which procedures have been most affected by them, and what the outlook is for the future.
She also gave insight into her care practices and strategies, with particular consideration for the needs and expectations of patients of color.