Having been recently approved for patients with the relapsing form of multiple sclerosis more data is being done to show ways it can help manage symptoms while also being a safe option.
Having been recently approved for patients with the relapsing form of multiple sclerosis more data is being done to show ways it can help manage symptoms while also being a safe option.
At the 32nd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS 2016) in London, England, Christophe Hotermans, MD, PhD, Vice President of Global Medical Therapeutic Areas at Biogen discussed the latest data on the medication. Hotermans said there is still much to be learned but that data so far has shown that Zinbryta is a very effective and safe treatment method for patients who may need to transition through multiple medications over the course of their lives with the condition.
Also on MD Magazine >>> More News from ECTRIMS 2016 in London