
HIV Professionals Write Letter to Congress

The HIV Medicine Association, the American Academy of HIV Medicine, The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition have written to US Senators urging them not to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The HIV Medicine Association, the American Academy of HIV Medicine, The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition have written to US Senators urging them not to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The letter has 950 signatures.

January 3, 2017

U.S. Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

We write as physicians, pharmacists, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, nurses and other medical professionals working on the frontlines of the HIV epidemic in the United States who are concerned about our patients’ access to health care coverage and lifesaving care and treatment.

Two decades ago the development of antiretroviral therapy transformed HIV/AIDS from a deadly condition to a chronic condition for many. With reliable access to care and treatment that effectively suppresses the virus, patients can now be healthy and live near normal life expectancies, and when they are healthy and virally suppressed their risk of transmitting the virus drops to near zero. The key to this prevention and treatment success is consistent access to medical care and needed medications.

Prior to the Affordable Care Act, a majority of our patients were either denied health insurance coverage because of their condition or were unable to afford the extraordinary high cost of the coverage available to them. In most states, Medicaid coverage was available to patients only after they became sick and disabled by AIDS.

The ACA leveled the health care playing field by barring plans from denying coverage or charging higher premiums based on health status, setting minimum health coverage standards, and providing premium and cost sharing assistance. Importantly, it modernized the Medicaid program by expanding coverage to families and childless adults up to 138% of the federal poverty level regardless of disability status. As medical professionals committed to our patients with HIV, we strongly urge that any changes to the ACA be based on the key principles below.

Do no harm. Prior to making changes to the ACA, a plan must be in place that takes into account the medical needs of low income individuals with complex conditions, like HIV, to avoid dangerous disruptions in health care coverage for our patients with HIV and millions of others. Meaningful health insurance coverage options must offer uninterrupted, affordable coverage for a range of necessary medical services, including prescription drugs, preventive services, laboratory testing, and substance use and mental health treatment.

Sustain the federal commitment to the Medicaid program. Maintaining the current funding structure, including the federal entitlement, to the Medicaid program is critical so that states can respond to fluctuations in the demand for Medicaid coverage due to economic downturns, public health outbreaks such as the HIV and hepatitis C outbreaks in Scott County, Indiana and medical advances, such as the recent development of curative hepatitis C treatment.

Continue Medicaid expansion. In the 32 states (including the District of Columbia) that have expanded Medicaid, our poorest patients were offered access to comprehensive, affordable coverage with consumer protections tailored to their socioeconomic and medical needs. Withdrawing this coverage will threaten the health of millions of Americans and be a significant set back to our nation’s public health, including to our efforts to end AIDS.

Please consider the needs of individuals with HIV as you evaluate changes to the ACA. Their lives and our ability to make significant headway against the HIV epidemic in the U.S. depend on it.

Submitted by the undersigned more than 950 HIV medical professionals:


Marguerite Barber-Owens, MD

Gwendolyn Childs, RN, PhD

Jane Cooper, RN BSN, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham

C. Ann Gakumo, PhD, RN, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham

Wickliffe Many, MD, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham

Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, MPH, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham

James Raper, PhD, CRNP, Univ of Alabama at Birmingham

Stephanie Royster, RN


Maria Ann Andrews, MSN, FNP-C,

Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS

J. Kevin Carmichael, MD FIDSA,

El Rio Special Immunology Associates

Siri Che, PharmD/MBA

Lori Fantry, MD, MPH, Univ of Arizona

Vittelian Forbes, PharmD

Carlos Hartmann, MD

Adonis Jabbour, MD

Lauren Lawler, PharmD, BS,

Dean Martin, MD, Cigna Medical Group

Robert Myers, MD, Maricopa Medical Center

Sudha Nagalingam, MD, El Rio Community Health Centre

John Post, MD, Maricopa Integrated Health

Carol Schneiderman, PharmD, El Rio

Community Health Center


Sandra Brown, MPH, MSN, RN, Jefferson Comp Care

Donna Gullette, PhD. APRN, AGACNP-BC,

Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Danny Hedges

Gretchen Jaco, RN

Patricia Washington, MSN


Ryan Anson, MSN, East Bay AIDS Center

Marvin Belzer, MD, Children's Hospital Los Angeles and USC

Constance Benson, MD, Univ of California San Diego

Derek Blechinger, MD

Steven Bromer, MD, Univ of California, San Francisco

Jody Cap, RN, BSN, CNOR

Ruben Celiz, Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Heidi Cevallos, PharmD and AAHIVP, Hillcrest Pharmacy

Pushpa Chandwani, MD

Aarthi Chary, MD, Stanford Univ

Carolyn Chu, MD, MSc, UCSF

Melissa Chubbuck, MD, MS,

Susan Chuck, PharmD, Gilead

Jesse Clark, MD, MSc, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Phyllis Cohen, MD, Tarzana Treatment Center

Summer Collier, MSN, FNP-BC, Family Health Centers of San Diego

Adriana Covate, LCSW

Pierre Crouch, PhD, ANP-BC

Eric Daar, M.D., David Geffen School of Medicine

Michelle Davey, D.O., West County Health Centers, Inc.

Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, UCSF

Maura Devereux, MMS, PA-C, Sutter Health/

California Pacific Medical Center

Mandeep Dhindsa, M.D, Community Medical Centers

Jake Donaldson, MD, Ventura County Health Care Association

Jose Eguia, MD, MPH, St. Mary's Medical Center

James Yusuf Erskine, DO, FWMC

Alireza FakhriRavari, PharmD

William Flores, PA-C, The Doctor Health Center

Robert Fontanilla, MSPAS, MPH, PA-C, AAHIVS

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, UCSF

Elsa Gardner, RN, BHSc

Dianne Georgetti, BSN

Daniel Gluckstein, MD, Inland Valley ID Medical Group, Inc

Denise Gomez, MD, North County Health Services

Natasha Gonzalez, PharmD, MPH, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center

Shelley Gordon, MD, PhD

James Gordon, MD, Kaiser Permanente

Lindsay Gordon, PharmD, Kaiser Permanente

Michael Greene, DNP, MSN, BS, APRN-BC

Dineen Greer, MD, Sutter Medical Group

Kenneth Griffiths, MD, Family Health Centers of San Diego

Kathleen Haight, PharmD

Michael Harbour, MD, FACP, PACE Clinic at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Anne Hughes, PhD,RN, NP, Laguna Honda Hospital

Laura Issagholian, PharmD, Kaiser Permanente

Henry Iwebor, B.Pharm; PharmD, FWAPCP, AAHIVP

Wilbert Jordan, M.D., MPH, Charles Drew Univ

Jason Kauffman, DO, UCSF

Judith Kelley, MD, Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency

Conor Kellicutt

Aaron Kofman, MD

Marya Krogstad, BA, BSN, MA, MFA, UCSF, CNA

Daniel Lee, MD, UCSD Medical Center - Owen Clinic

Wendy Leonard, MD, AAHIVS, Santa Cruz County Health Agency

Michael Lim, BS, RPh, AAHIVP

Alice Litton, BS,BS, BSN, MS, MS

Richard Loftus, M.D., Eisenhower Medical Center/USC

Cathy Logan, M.D., UCSD

David Looney, MD, UCSD

Larry Lyle, DO

Kirsten Mahoney, BA, MA

Christopher Mathews, M.D., MSPH, UCSD

Mary Miller, Pharm.D., M.D

Anthony Mills, MD, Southern California Men's Medical Group

Leo Moore, MD, MSHPM

Jesse Dan Moore, MD, ARcare


Raymond Austin Nation, PhD, RN, California State Univ, Fullerton

Hoan Nguyen, MD, California Dept of Correction and Rehabilitation

John Nienow, MD

Gifty-Maria Ntim , MD, MPH, UCLA

William Owen, MD, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation

Marion Pellegrini, RN, BSN

Patricia Poole, PharmD, Univ of California at Davis

Ryan Racino, PharmD, Merck & Co.

Christian Ramers, MD, MPH, Family Health Centers of San Diego

Ann Roach, BSN, PHN

Michael Roggelin, BSN

Sarah Rojas, MD, MAS, AAHIVS, Family Health Centers of San Diego

Jennifer Ross, MD

Anthony Sayegh, MS

Ellen Schell, RN, PhD, Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance, UCSF F

Julia Schmidt-Petersen, Rn, BS, CCM , AIDS Healthcare Foundation

James Scott, PharmD, M.Ed., Western Univ of Health Sciences

David Sears, MD, UCSF

Michelle Sherman, BPharm RPh, FASCP, FACA, AAHIVP, MichRx Pharmacist

Consulting Services,Inc

Vilmary Sierra , MD, Concilio de salud integral de loiza

Claire Simeone, DNP, FNP, RN, Zuckerberg San Francisco General

Jacek Skarbinski, MD

Matthew Spinelli, MD, UCSF

Carl Stein, MHS, PAC, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation

Lisa Stevens, MD, DTMH, AAHIVMS

Suzan Stringari-Murray, RN, MS, ANP-BC, UCSF

Christine Suh, Doctor of Pharmacy

Nee Tang, PHARM.D., MPH, AAHIVE, Kaiser Permanente

Denise Taylor, MD

Nicole Thibeau, PharmD, AAHIVP

Colleen Thornton, MSPA, Kaiser Permanente

Francesca Torriani, MD, UCSD

Danny Toub, MD

William Towner, MD, Kaiser Permanente

Sandra Wallace, MD, Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, CA

Dale Weide, RN, St. Joseph Health System

Yvette Wells, RN, BSN, Watts Healthcare Corp

Ronald Wing, MD

Sheila Winters, RN, BSN, PHN, ACRN, Ventura County

Public Health/HIV/AIDS

Mallory Witt, MD, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Rebecca Wittenberg, PharmD, UC Davis Health System

Aaron Wolfson, MD, MS, Univ of Southern California

John Zaia, MD, City of Hope

Adam Zweig, MD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation


Lisa Abuogi, MD, Univ of Colorado, Denver

Lucy Bradley-Springer, PhD, MSN, MA, BSN, RN

Amber Bunch, MA

Eric Cagwin, RN, BSN, Children's Hospital of Colorado

Jarad Cox, MPH, Children's Hospital Colorado

Amy Davis, MD, MPH, St. Mary's Hospital

Jean Finn, RN, BSN, Integrated Health Consultants

Andrew Flynn, BA, Univ of Colorado School of Medicine

Lucy Graham, PhD, MPH, RN, St. Mary's Hospital and Medical Center

Jason Hindman, PharmD, MBA

Christine-Eve Kwon, Bachelor of Science, Univ of Colorado, Denver

Barbara Mayhugh, NP

Suzanne Paul, BSN, MSN, Univ of Colorado, Denver

Kim Pierce, B.A., B.S., DNP, RN, CPNP, Children's Hospital Colorado

Heather Pujet, MD, Boulder Community Health

Daniel Reirden, MD, Univ of Colorado School of Medicine

Travis Sherer, PA

Christiana Smith, MD, Univ of Colorado

Lora Trevis, MSW, Children's Hospital Colorado


Gerald Friedland, MD, Yale School of Medicine

Patricia Garton, MSN, MBA, Circle CARE Center

Ritche Hao, MD, Yale New Haven Hospital

Seja Jackson, MS, APRN, AAHIVS, St Francis Hospital &

Medical Center - Trinity

Nicole Jones, RN

Tashi Mattis, RN, Leeway

Terence Meehan, PhD, Frank H. Netter School of Medicine

David Rubin, MD, World Health Clinicians

Gary F. Spinner, PA, MPH, AAHIVS,

Southwest Community Health Center

Rachel Zwick, BA, MA, PhD Candidate, Yale Univ


Jennifer Andres, PharmD

Mary Clare Matsumoto, RN

Karen Swanson, RN, BSN,ACRN

Susan Szabo, MD


Joel Ang, MD, FAAFP

Lisa Fitzpatrick, MD, MPH, MPA, George Washington Univ

Kristina Grabbe, MPH, Jhpiego

W. David Hardy, MD, Whitman-Walker Health

Veronica Jenkins, MD, FMCS

Jaime Martinez, MD,

Nancy Murphy, NP, PhD

Frances Sundt, RN, BSN


Jonathan Appelbaum, MD, Florida State Univ College of Med

Laura Armas-Kolostroubis, MD, Orlando Immnology Center

Jeffrey Beal, MD

Albert Canas, MD, Albert Canas MD and Associates

Manuel Castro, MD

Katherine Chadwell, RN,ARNP, DNP, FAU

Ravi Challi, PharmD

Naghmana Chughtai , MBBS

Radu Clincea, M., Florida Department of Health

Jean Dauphin, DO, Jackson Health System

Johnna Dettis, MSN MPH ARNP AAHIVS, McGregor Clinic

Katie Fillion, MD

Jorge Gilete, MD, Correctional Medicine

Anne Hemingway Feuer, BS, RN, BSN, MS, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Kimberly Holding, MD

Deborah Holmes, MD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Jennifer Janelle, MD, Univ of Florida College of Medicine

Inwha Kim, MD

marco lorio, MD, Uinversity of Miami

Kurtis Mohr, MD, Premise Health

Sharon Murphy, RN, ACRN, The McGregor Clinic, Inc.

Edward Navarretti, DNP, ARNP, Empower U, Inc

Nilda Nieves-Serrano, MD, AAHIVS, Orlando Family Phycisians

Ajegbu Okeke, PharmD

Sanique Olkuch, MSN,ARNP, Care Resource

Vincent Petrosini, MSN,FNP,ACRN, Five Star Senior Quality Care INC.

Gerald Pierone, MD , AIDS Research & Treatment Center

of the Treasure Coast


Willie Roberts, RN,BSN,MSHA

Ana Rua Dobles, MSN, FNP-BC, Florida Department of Health

David Shepp, MD

Elizabeth Sherman, PharmD

Sean Shirk, PharmD

Karen Slazinski, PharmD

Kenneth South, MDiv

Douglas Steele, BSN, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Andra Tucker, BPharm, MPH, FPA, AAHIVP

Christine Uranaka, BSN, Orlando EMA

Robert Wallace, MD, Love the Golden Rule Inc.

Tim Walsh, BA/Medical Student, Florida State Univ College of Med

Genetta Watts, PharmD, AHF

Mitchell Whitehead, MD

Ruby Wilson, RN, BSN, ACRN


Africa Alvarez-McLeod, MD, MPH, Southside Medical Center ID Clinic

Wendy Armstrong, MD, Emory Univ

Hermeyone Bell, NP, Intown Primary Care

Annette Bernard, MD, MS, Private practice

Joshua Brown , BS,

Valeria Cantos, MD, Emory Univ

Christopher Cary, Student Nurse, Georgia Southwestern State Univ

Brianna Casciello, Student Nurse, FNP/CNM, Emory Sch of Nursing

Kenneth Castro, MD, Emory Univ

Rasheeta Chandler, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, Emory Univ

Miyesha Cheeks, DNP, MSN, BSN, To Our Shores

Helen Clark,, Emory Univ

Jonathan Colasanti, MD, MSPH, Emory Univ

Jeffrey Collins, MD, MPH, Emory Univ

William Connors, MD, Positive Impact Health Centers

Jesse Couk, MD, Piedmont Atlanta Hospital

Karen Davis, BSN, MPH, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Carlos del Rio, MD, Emory Univ Rollins Sch of Public Health

Rebecca Dollar, PhD

William Emery, BSN, MPH, RN

Monica Farley, MD, Emory Univ School of Medicine

Deborah Fincher, MS, RPh, Alliance Community Pharmacy

Rachel Friedman-Moraco, MD, Emory Univ Sch of Med

Linda Gates, RN, ACRN, Grady Infectious Disease clinic

Mary Beth Harris, BA and MEd

Sophia Hussen, MD, MPH, Emory Univ

Jesse Jacob, MD, Emory Univ

Kara Jacobs Slifka, MD, MPH, Emory Univ

Andrea Jefferson-Saboor , MSN, FNP

Ameeta Kalokhe, MD,

Colleen Kelley, MD, MPH, Emory Univ

Russell Kempker, MD, MSc, Emory Univ

Mary Kouba, BS, BSN, RN,

Colleen Kraft, MD, MSc, Emory Univ

Alison Kyle, BA, BSN, MSN, Grady Health Systems-

Grady Infectious Disease Program

Cecile Lahiri, MD, MSc, Emory Univ

Alison Lauber (Shrum), MD, AID Atlanta &

AIDS HealthCare Foundation

Dara Lingerfelt, RN

Suzanne Lipe, BSP, RPH, AAHIVP, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Schuyler Livingston, MD, Emory Univ School of Medicine

Charles Livingston, PharmD

Alvaro Lopez, MD, ID Consultants

Michael Lucas, BSN, MSN, Grady Health System

Sophie Lukashok, MD, Intown Infectious Diseases, LLC

Vincent Marconi, MD, Emory Univ

Abeer Moanna, MD, Emory Univ

Joy Myers , MD, Kaiser Permanente

Jason Nevoit, RN, BSN, Grady Hospital

Igho Ofotokun, MD, MSc, Emory Univ Sch of Med

Nora Oliver, MD, MPH, Atlanta VAMC

Federico Palacio, MD, Emory Univ

Anar Patel, MD, Emory Univ

Eugene Paul, MD, MPH

Paulina Rebolledo , MD, MSc, Emory Univ

Susan Richardson, MN, MPH, FNP-BC, Emory Univ Sch of Med

David Rimland, M.D., Emory Univ School of Medicine

J Peter Rissing, MD, Augusta Univ

Joel Rosenstock, MD, MPH, AbsoluteCARE Medical Center

David Serota, MD, Emory Univ

Mary Elizabeth Sexton, MD, Emory Univ

Anandi Sheth, MD, MSc, Emory Univ

Jennifer Spicer, MD, MPH

John Stanton, MPH, MSN Candidate, Emory Univ, School of Nursing

Gary Stuart, MED

Jeri Sumitani, MMSc, PA-C

Nathan Summers, MD

Mark Swancutt, MD, PhD, DTM&H

Portia Thomas , MSN, MPH

Melanie Thompson, MD

Zandraetta Tims-Cook, MD, MPH, Atlanta Medical Center

Laura Tison, BSN, MPH

Zelda Tolbert, BSN

Sara Turbow, MD, MPH, Emory Univ

Jay Varkey, MD, Emory Univ School of Medicine

Carline Victor-Daudier, Administration, Grady/Emory Hospital

Jesse Waggoner, MD, Emory Univ

Drenna Waldrop-Valverde, PhD

Sandra Ward, Master of Physician Assistant, Grady Health System

Melissa Watkins , RN, CCM

Zanthia Wiley, MD, Emory Univ

Eva Williams, RN, MSN, FNP, MPH, AACRN

Henry Wu, MD


Denise Andrews, RN, ANP, BSN, MS

Michael Bredenkamp, BA, MA, RN

Rebecca Castner, PharmD, Christian Community Health Center

Nina Clark, MD

Rosemary Cleaveland, RN, ACRN, Presence Health Care

Karen Coleman, RN, BSN, ACRN

Katie Daley, MSN, RN

Terrence Donovan, PA-C, Heartland Health Centers

Erica Gaddy, MPH, MSN, RN, NP

Cynthia Goetting, Bachelor of Science, Carle Foundation Hospital

Maya Green, MD, MP

Pamela Guess, BS, RN-BC, Carle

Ronald Hazen,MPH, Walgreens

Neel Jhobalia,PharmD, Rust Univ Medical Center

Amir Khan,MD, Carle Foundation Hospital

Deborah Killingsworth, MD

Jessica Lue, MD

Sarah Michienzi, PharmD

Arthur Moswin, MD

John Parisot,PhD, MSN, RN

Norma Rolfsen,MS, BSN, FNP, RN

Julia Rosebush,DO, FAAP, Univ of Chicago

Sheila Roth,BSN, CPG

Beverly Sha,MD, Rush Univ Medical Center

Kaleo Staszkow, MD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Joan Swiatek,RN, APN-NP, Rush Univ Medical Center

Jennifer Thorne, RN-BC

Santina Wheat, MD, MPH, Erie Family Health Center

Sherryl Wolfe, BSN, Northwestern Univ


Mark Barricklow, RPH, Indiana Univ Health

Julie Borum, Nurse Practitioner, IUHealth LifeCare clinic (Adult HIV)

Jill Carr, MPA, MLS

Kristi Combs, MSW, LCSW, IU Health

Sonya Cork, BSW

Dexter Etter, BSW, The Damien Center

Eric Farmer, PharmD, Indiana Univ Health

Nikkiya Fraser, MD

James Graber, Health and Hospital Corp

Samir Gupta, MD, Indiana Univ School of Medicine

Veronica Halsema, MPH

Dean Hensel, BSN

Quay Kester, PHD, Indiana Univ Health

Andre Melendez, MD, Parkview Health

Aimee O'Connor Gading, BSN

Lindsey Reese, MD

Marc Reese, MSW, LCSW, IU Health LifeCare

Jason Richmond, MSW, LSW, Eskenazi Health

Erin Rodman, PharmD, Indiana Univ Health

Gloria Sachdev, PharmD, Employers Forum of Indiana

Linda Santoro, BA, MSW

Brooke Stevens, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP, Indiana Univ Health

Mary Anne Thomas, MSN, Matthew 25

Tate Trujillo, PharmD, Indiana Univ Health


Kristi Walz, MD, Siouxland Community Health Center


Jeanne Blom, MS, RPh, AAHIVP

Taylor Gill, PharmD, Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc

Mary Jacobs, APRN, KU School of Medicine

Jill Peltzer, PhD, APRN-CNS, RN

Donna Sweet, MD


Bobbi Andriakos, MSN

Suur Ayangeakaa, MPH, BA, Univ. of Louisville Sch of

Public Health & Information Sciences

Andrea Banks, MD

Tara Boling, BSN BASW, Matthew 25 AIDS Services

Donna Burgess, RPh, Univ of Kentucky HealthCare

Cyndee Burton, BSN, Matthew 25 AIDS Services

Tonya Dixon, , Matthtew 25 AIDS Services, Inc.

Shannon Elliott, , Matthew 25

Tina Eunice, LPN, Medical Case Manager Matthew25 Aids Services

Jacob Kiper, MA, Matthew 25 AIDS Services

Tracey Klauder, , MATTHEW 25 AIDS CLINIC

Karen Krigger, BA, MEd, MD , American Academy of HIV Medicine

Nicole Lowe, Bachelor of Health Services Administration,

Mandi Morgan, , Matthew 25 AIDS Services

Thamsanqa Ncube

Chad Peterson, MD

Missy Powell

Catherine Spencer, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP, Univ of Louisville

Joshua Tweddell, MS, MA, Univ of Kentucky Healthcare

Sally Welch, BA, Matthew 25 AIDS Services, Inc.

Courtney Woolfork, HR Matthew 25 AIDS Services


Yussef Bennani, MD, MPH

Sandra Bright, BSN, ANA, Sigma Theta Tau International

Lori Gordon, PharmD, Xavier Univ of Louisiana

Rebecca Han, PharmD

Mitchell Handrich, FNP

Tavell Kindall, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, GOCARE

Alfred Luk, MD, Tulane Univ

Osei Prempeh, MD, MPH, Read Medical Associates

Tamara Sexton, RN, Univ Medical Center New Orleans


Andrea Danielson, APRN

Jennifer Rogers, NP, Greater Portland health


Sheika Adams, MHA, BSN, RN

Tracy Agee, NP, BSN MSN, Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine

Karla Alwood, CRNP, JHU

Annukka Antar, MD PhD, JHU

Joshua Bailey, PharmD, AAHIVP

Stephen Berry, MD, PhD, JHU

Sarah Bowsky, BScN, R.N., MPH

Alma Brooks-Barnes, LPN, Faith Based Community

Diane Brown, MSN, RN

Rachel Butch, BS, JHU

Marie Butts, BA

Amanda Cary, BSN, RN, ACRN, JHU

Larry Chang, MD, MPH, JHU

Shawn Chiambah, PhD, Univ of Maryland Medical Center

Natasha Chida, MD, MSPH, JHU

Emily Comstock, MSN, BSN, BA

Jill Crank, CRNP, MSN/MPH

Lawrence D'Angelo, MD, MPH, Children's National Medical Center

Jared Davis, BA, BSN, RN, Johns Hopkins Univ School of Nursing

Simmone debeaubien, RN, BSN, Chase Brexton Health Care

Simmone deBeaubien, RN, RN, BSN, BA, Chase Brexton Health Care

Richard DeBenedetto, PharmD. MS,

Mary DeGrezia, PhD, RN, ACRN, Univ of Maryland School of Medicine

Shanna Dell, BS, BSN, RN

Kelly Dooley, MD, PhD, MPH, JHU

Liz Ellis, Nursing, Univ of MD

Jason Farley, PhD, MPH, ANP-BC, AACRN, JHU

Michael Fingerhood, MD, JHU

Cristine Fisher, MSW, JHU

Massiel Garcia

Sandra Garlic, BSN, MSN

Lee Gilman, BSN, RN, MSN-AGNP Candidate, JHU School of Nursing

Juan Pablo Gomez, BSW, MPH, JHU

Martin Hamlette, JD,MHA, National Medical Association (NMA)

Jameelah Hasan, CCMA, JHU

Patrice Henry, JHU

Joyce Jones, MD, MS, JHU

Stephanie Katz, MSN, RN, JHU

Sara Keller, MD, MPH, MSHP

Jeanne Keruly, MS, CRNP, JHU

Mohammed Kiddugavu, MD MPH, Mukta Medical INC

Hana Kim, PharmD, BCPS

Angela Kim, PharmD

Kristina Krieger, MSN, FNP, CRNP, AAHIVS, Total Health Care

Esther Lee, PharmD

Eduardo Leon Guerrero, MD

Michael l Levin, MD, JHU of Maryland Medical Institutions

Jueli Li, BS Psychology, PharmD

Kelly Lowensen, RN, MSN, JHU

Demetrius Marcoulides, BSN

Julie McArthur, MS, JHU

Robin McKenzie, MD, JHU

David McMaster, BSN, JHU

Michael Melia, MD, JHU

Jamie Mignano, MSN, MPH, RN, The JACQUES Initiative, Institute of

Human Virology, Univ of Maryland School of Medicine

Veronica Njie-Carr, PhD, RN, Univ of Maryland, Baltimore

Kisten Nolan, MPH, BSN, BA, jHU School of Medicine

Toyin Opesanmi, MD, GMC

William Osburn, PhD, JHU

Ligia Peralta, MD

Tonia Poteat, PA-C, PhD, JHU

Kellen Riley, PharmD

Dennis Rivera, MSW, JHU

Amanda Rosecrans, MD, MHS, JHU

Adrienne Russell, PharmD,AAHIVP

Lisa Scotti, MSN, MPH, Baltimore City Health Department

Cynthia Sears, MD, JHU

Heath Shirkey, BSN, JHU

LaQuita Snow, Bachelors of Science in Nursing,

Laura Starbird, PhD(c), MS, RN, JHU

Millicent Stettler, BSN

Tim Teeter, BSN, JHU

Carmelita Tuazon, MD, George Washington Univ Med Center

Lisa Waddell, MS, JHU

Lisa Ware, BA

Maire Wray, MSN, AGNP-C, JHU

Iryne Zziwa-Kabenge, MSN, CRNP, JHU


Carolina Abuelo, MD MSc, MGH

Jamilah Ali Alexander, PA-C, MPH, Baystate Health

Justin Alves, BSN, RN, ACRN, CARN,

Marguerite Beiser, ANP-BC, Boston Health Care for the

Homeless Program

Kristen Benjamin, RN BSN , Baystate

Philip Bolduc, MD, Univ of Massachusetts

Christopher Bositis, MD, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center


Jaehyun Byun, MD, Holyoke Health Center

Jaehyun Byun, MD, Holyoke Health Center

Patricia Caya, BSN, MPH,

Patricia Daoust, RN MSN FAAN, MGH

Charles Dewan, RN

Keith Egan, DO

Rachel Epstein, MD, Boston Medical Center

Donna Fisher, MD, Baystate Medical Center

Kathleen Fitch, MSN, Massachusetts General Hospital

Kathryn Foley, RN, MS , Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Jonna Gaberman, MD, Baystate Medical Center

Donna Gallagher, PhD,MSN,ANP-BC, Univ of MA Medical Center

Lakshmi Ganapathi, MD,

Rajesh Gandhi, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Zoe Garcia, RN, MS, CNS, Healthcare for the Homeless

Elizabeth Glaser, PhD, MS, Global Health Service Partnership

Alex Gonzalez, MD MPH, Fenway Health

Thomas Greenough, MD,

Carole Hohl, MHS, PA-C, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Peogram

Rachel Jones, PhD, RN, FAAN, Northeastern Univ

Katherine Krauskopf, MD, MPH

Regina LaRocque, MD, Harvard Medical School

Alyssa Letourneau, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General Hospital

Victor Lewis, MD, MGH/Chelsea

Cynthia MacLeod, BS Nursing

Claire Magauran, MD, Baystate Medical Center

Margaret Marini, RN, ACRN

Barbara McGovern, MD, Seres Therapeutics

Molly McHenry, FNP

Kaitlin Nichols, BSN RN

Debra Poutsiaka, MD, PhD, Tufts Medical Center

Samuel Russo, BA, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

Shiva Saboori, MD, AAHIVS, Lynn Community Health Center

Alejandra Salazar, PharmD

Cathryn Samples, MD, MPH, Boston Children's Hospital

Gail Scully, MD ,MPH, Umass Medical Center

Anela Stanic, PharmD, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program

Ramnath Subbaraman, MD, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Susan Tapia, LPN, Sidney Borum Health Center

Gustavo Velasquez, MD, MPH, Associate Physician, Division of Infectious Diseases, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Ira Wilson, MD, MSc, Brown Univ

R. Michael Flores, MD, AAHIVS


Peter Gulick, DO, Michigan State Univ

David Gysin, Pharm.D., CARES of Soutwest Michgan

Eyassu Habte-Gabr, MD, Hurley Med Ctr and Michigan State Univ-- retired

Leonard Johnson, MD, St. John Hospital and Medical Center

Zachary Levine, MD, Ascension Health - St John Hospital and Medical Center

Danielle Osterholzer, MD

Maria Patterson, MD, PhD, Michigan State Univ

Paula Peters, MSN, BSN, RN, ACRN, Great Lakes Bay Health Centers

Rebecca Schein, MD, Michigan State Univ

Mamta Sharma, MD, St John Hospital & Medical Center


James Sunstrum, MD, Beaumont Health

Anegelia Williams, MSN, BSN, RN, Great Lakes Bay Health Centers

Mariam Younas, MD

Caleb Youngblood, MMS, PA-C



Evelyn F. Couture, RN, BSN, PHN., ANAC

William K Henry, MD, FACP, Hennepin County Medical Center/U of Minnesota

Daniel Jude, PharmD

Mary Jo Kasten, MD, Mayo Clinic

Nicholas Vogenthaler, MD, MPH

Amanda Woodhull, NP


Bernadine Bowie, LPN, Shelby County Health Dept

E-P. Barrette, MD, Washington Univ

Brett Courtright, PharmD

Maithe Enriquez, APRN, PhD, ANAC

Erica Kaufman West, MD, Saint Louis Univ

John Krueger, MD

Stephen Merjavy, MD, Partners in Health

Kristina Mitchell, BSN RN

Amanda Partee, RN BSN, New Hope Clinic at SLU

William Salzer, MD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia Sch of Med

Marcia Sokol-Anderson, MD, St. Louis Univ

Mark Speier, Rn, BSN, Family healthcare

William Wade, DO, MPH

Jim Nora, MD, Consultants in Infectious Disease


Sharon Brown Warren, RN BSN CCM, Deaf Centers of Nevada

Tracy Ceragioli, MSW

Dino Gonzalez, MD

John Phoenix, APRN, Huntridge Family Clinic

Jan Richardson, RN, CCM, BSN

Natasha Ross, BSN

Merylyn Yegon, RN

Theresia Younes , BSN , Southern Nevada Health District


Susan L Gaston, MSN RN, Dartmouth-Hitchcock ID Dept

Patricia Gocklin, BSN, MHA, MS

Tim Lahey, MD, MMSc, Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine

Kerry Nolte, PhD, APRN


Tarashon Broomes, DNP

Christie Lyn Costanza, MPH

Michelle DallaPiazza , MD, Rutgers NJMS

William Farrer, MD, Trinitas Regional Medical Center

Helen Ferlazzo, RN APN-C ACRN, Vnacj community health center

Elizabeth Fletcher, MSN, APN, Cooper Univ Hospital

Sigrid Gabler, PhD, MSN, Columbia Univ School of Nursing

Elaine Gross, MSN, FXB Center, School of Nursing, Rutgers Univ

Jean Haspel, MSN APN AAHIVS, CompleteCare Health Network

Mary Jo Hoyt, MSN, ANAC

Melida Melise-Grant, BSN-MSA

John Nelson, MSN, PhD, Rugters Univ

Susan Nierenberg, BA, BSN, RN, MSN, CNM, St. Joseph's Reg. MedicalCenter

William Short, MD, MPH, Univ of Pennsylvania

Monique Welbeck, DNP

Jentora White, PharmD


James Adams, MD, Southwest CARE Center

Miriam Bell, BSN

Christina Casson, RN, ACRN, UNMMG Truman Health Services

Joel Gallant, MD, MPH, Southwest CARE Center

James Graham, CNP, DrPH, Southwest Care Center

Larry Pineda, PharmD, PhC, BCPS, AAHIVP

Kathleen K. Roeder, PA-C

Tamara Saimons, MSN, Southwest CARE Center

Elaine Thomas, MD, Univ of New Mexico

Bruce Williams, MD, MPH, Univ of New Mexico


Elaine Abrams, MD, Columbia Univ

Attisso Akakpo, MA, NYC Health + Hospitals?Jacobi

Iris Alicea, BA Social Work, ECMC

Jessica Atrio, MD MSc, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein School of Medicine

Louise Austin, PA-C, MPH

John Barazzuol, BSN, MPA

Rachel Bartash, MD

Deborah Batson, RN, MA, ANAC

William Belecz, MBA, Trillium Health

Uri Belkind, MD, MS, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center

Kathleen Bernock, BSN, MSN, FNP-BC, Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center

Susan Bredice

Claire Brown, MD

Kristie Brundage, LPN, ECMC

James Brust, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine & Montefiore Medical Center

Jeanne Caverly, Med,

Joseph Cervia, MD, MBA, FIDSA, AAHIVS, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine

Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Paul Chambliss, MD MPH, Acacia Network

Kristen Clancy

Laurene Clark, BSN, RN

Carol Cohen , RN

Katherine Cox, DO

Michele Crespo-Fierro , RN, MS/MPH, AACRN, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing

Joan Csaposs, RN, MSN FNP-BC DCNP, Upstate Dermatology

Michael Cynamon, M.D., VAMC Syracuse

Michelle Dahdouh, MD, St. Barnabas Hospital

David Dayan-Rosenman, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Andrea DeMeo, MBA, Trillium Health

Rebecca DeMuth, RN BS Public Health Nurse, Wyoming County DOH

Anthony Desouza, FNP, ACACIA

Johanna Dooley, RN, BS, MPS, CNS, MS, FNP-BC

Jenny Doyle, NP, MPH, North Shore Univ Hospital

Johanna Kristin Ellerup, PharmD

David English, MD

Addi Feinstein, MD, Lincoln hospital

Uriel Felsen, MD,MPH, Montefiore Medical Center

Kathleen Fibich , RN, IAFN

Daniel Fierer, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Christina Floridia, RN

Marissa Fontanez, BSPsy, DNP-S, Univ at Buffalo

Sharon Foster, MD, MPH

Samara Gabree, ANP-BC, MS, Catholic Charities Project Safe Point

Jonathan Giftos, MD, NYC Health & Hospitals / Rikers Island

Daniel Gillespie, MSN, Care For the Homeless

Margaret Glausser, MD, Mount Sinai Downtown

Marshall Glesby, MD, PhD

Ina Goldberg, NP, MA, MBA

Mary Goodspeed, RN, BS, Erie County Medical Center

Celine Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA

Jeanne Green, RN

Robert Grossberg, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, MPH, RN, LCSW, New York Univ

Sherita Heath, RN

David Herman, MD, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, Albany Medical Center

Lynn Higgins, PAC, Cornerstone Family Health

Julie Hoffman, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Molly Holshouser, RN, MSN, MPH, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Elina Horata, Rph

Helen Huang, PharmD, Walgreens

Archimedes Jao, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, Keith D. Cylar Community Health Center

Liz Jenny, MD, Jacobi Medical Center

Ronald Johnson, BS, GMHC, Walgreens

Carol Kao, MD

Emma Kaplan-lewis, MD

Lori Karaban, MS, RN, Mount Sinai Hospital

Marla Keller, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center

Jason Leider, MD, Jacobi Medical Center

Theodore Lenox, MD, Metropolitan Hospital

Martha lepow, BA MD, Albany Medical Center

Chester Lerner, MD, Weill Cornell Medicine

Doug Lindke, BS, Trillium Health

Anna Lowell, DO, MPH, Mount Sinai Beth Israel

Tiffany Lu, MD

Theresa Mack, MD MPH

Theresa Madaline, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Mark Malahosky, BPharm, Trillium Health

Kelly Mateja, MCRP

Joseph McGowan, MD, FIDSA, AAHIVS, North Shore Univ Hospital

Raquel Menchaca, MSN,BSN, Montefiore Medical Center

Samuel Merrick, MD

Darlene Meyer, Assocaiate, CASAC, ECMC Hospital

Susan Michaels-Strasser, PhD, MSN, MPH, ICAP at Columbia Univ

Cynthia Miller, MD, Albany Medical College

Jaimie Mittal, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Loyce Mol, BS, PharmD, North shore Univ hospital

Arthur Kgethololo Motlaleng

Victoria Muggia, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Robert Murayama, MD, MPH, Apicha Community Health Center

Alice Myerson, MSN, ANP, CPNP, Montefiore Medical Center

Kathleen Nicoletti, RN, BS, Nursing, mount st mary's hospital

Ellen OBrien, BA, Erie County Medical Center Corporation

Caroline Ortiz, BSN

Hilda Ortiz-Morales, NP, DHA, AACRN, AAHIVS, Montefiore Medical Center

Georgina Osorio, MD, MPH, Mount Sinai

Connie Park, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Alina Pellot Aviles, PharmD

Russell Perry, MD, Bronx Lebanon Family Practice

Miriam Pinon, DNP, MPH, MS

David Ray, MD, Albany Medical College

Dalilah Restrepo, MD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Noah Robbins, MD, CM, Montefiore Medical Center

Jean Roemer, BSN

Lisa Rowley, RN

Thomas Saglimbeni, DNP, Gotham Medical Group

Eustolia Santana, RN, MSN DNP student

Roberto Santos, MD, MSCS, FAAP, AAHIVS, Albany Medical Center

Nidhi Saraiya, PharmD, Montefiore Medical Center

Maureen Scahill, MS, NP, Univ of Rochester - Infectious Diseases Division

Julie Schultz, MD, MPH

Barak Sered, MD

Anjali Sharma, MD, MS, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Lisa Sheehan, RN, New York State

Yolanda Sims, NYS Certified Peer Worker

Magdalena Slosar-Cheah, MD

Frances Smith, BSN

Oluwwakemi Sosanya , MSN,FNP-c, Montefiore Medical Center

Dalia Spektor, PhD, Montefiore Medical Center

Melanie Steilen, RN,BSN,ACRN, CAI Global/ANAC


David Stein, MD, Jacobi Medical Center

Jennifer Stella, MD, AAHIVS, New York City Health and Hospitals

Jacqueline Stith, BS, ACRN,

Tracy Swanson, BS, JD

Joyce Torge, RN

Debra Tristram, MD, Albany Medical Center

Tillly Varughese, MD, Infectious Diseases

Geoffrey Weinberg, MD, Univ of Rochester Medical Center

Caryn Weiss, ANP-C, MSN, MPA, AAHIVS, Montefiore Health Systems

Susan Weiss, MSN, FNP, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center

Robert Weissberg, MD, Whitney M. Young, Jr. Health Center

Ellen Wexler, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center

Rebecca Wilson, DNP, FNP-BC

Rodney Wright, MD, Montefiore Medical Center

Hyun Ah Yoon, MD, Montefiore Medical Center/

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Barry Zingman, MD, Montefiore Medical Center/

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

North Carolina

Jennifer Abbott, MD, WNC Community Health Services

Laura Bachmann, MD, MPH, Wake Forest Univ Health Sciences

Courtney Caiola, PhD, MPH, RN, Univ of North Carolina Greensboro

Miriam Chicurel- Bayard, RN, BSN, Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Meredith Clement, MD, Duke Univ Medical Center

Danielle Clement, M.Ed, BSN, RN,

Janet Cote, BS Health Fitness, Ryan White Clinic

Coleen Cunningham, MD, Duke Univ Medical Center

Dawn Daly-Mack, RN, Rural Health Group

Dorothy Dow, MD, Duke Univ

Tagbo Ekwonu, MD, Eastowne Family Physicians

Claire Farel, MD, MPH, UNC-Chapel Hill

Julieta Giner, RN

Jason Hardin, BSN

James Harmon, DNP, RN, ANP, Duke Univ School of Nursing

Claire Hicks, MD, Ryan White Program

Barbara Johnston, MD, Lincoln Community Health Center

Jeanne Kemppainen, PhD, RN, Univ of North Carolina Wilmington

Ralph Mangusan, MSN, Western Carolina Community Health Services

Michelle Ogle, MD, FAAP, Warren-Vance Community Health Center, Inc.

Jonah Pierce, RN

Eveylyn Byrd Quinlivan, MD, AIDS Health Care Foundation UNC, Chapel Hill

Liz Ramseur, Master of Public Health , ALFA

Rita Riddick-Seels, MSN, FNP, AAHIVS,

Karen Ridino

Sarah Seaver, BS, BSN, MSN

Aimee Wilkin, MD MPH, Wake Forest School of Medicine


Barbara Akpanudo, MSN, MPH, FNP-BC

Jona Banzon, MD

Brian Beesley, DO, AAHIVS, Mount Carmel Medical Group

Elizabeth Bernard, J.dD.

Janet M Briggs, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, AACRN, ANAC and Dept of Veteran's Affairs

Alan Cadesky, MD

Cassandra Calabrese, DO, Cleveland Clinic

Jan Clark, PharmD, Ohio State Univ Medical Center

Joan Duggan, MD, Univ of Toledo

Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, Univ of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Scott Fulton, MD

Barbara Gripshover, MD

William Hardy, MA, MDiv , Equitas Health

James Hekman, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Evelyn Hemmingsen, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Jane Hunkler, RN

Robert Kalayjian, MD, MetroHealth Med Ctr

Elizabeth Kirchner, MSN, Cleveland Clinic

Shakuntala Kithari, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Susan Koletar, M.D., Ohio State Univ

Laura Lipold, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Lili Lustig, D.O., Cleveland Clinic

Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH, Ohio State Univ Medical Center

Kristin Martinez, Doctor of Pharmacy,

Teresa Mitchell, RN ACRN, Ursuline Sisters HIV AIDS Ministry

Sherif Mossad, MD, Cleveland clinic

Lisa Navracruz, MD, FAAFP, AAHIVS, Care Alliance

Melissa Osborn, MD, MetroHealth Medical Center

Andrea Pallotta, PharmD

Michael Para, MD, OSU Wexner Medical Center

Brandon Pollak, MD

Susan Rehm, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Alan Taege, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Puja Van Epps, MD, Case Western Reserve Univ, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Joachim Voss, RN, PHD, CWRU

Todd Wagner, MD, MPH

Ken Koon Wong, MD, Cleveland Clinic Akron General


Stephanie Marrs, MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, AAHIVS

Jeannie Ong, PharmD


Brian Camp, ADN

Brian Camp, RN, ONA, ACRN

Marci Donaldson, MSN

Christopher Fox, RN, MS, ANP-BC, Oregon Health and Science Univ

Lori-Ann Lima, BA, BSN, MN, FNP, Multnomah County Primary Care

Rhonda Loprinzi Orazio, RN, BSN, MPH, ACRN, Multnomah County Health Dept

Maria Patterson, MD, PhD, Michigan State Univ

Molly Stenzel, MD, Kaiser Permanente Northwest


Erika Aaron, MSN, CRNP, Drexel Univ College of Medicine

Jessica Adams, PharmD, Univ of the Sciences

Bilaal Ahmed, MPH, Penn State College of Medicine

Patsi Albright, DNP, CRNP, AAHIV, Hershey Medical Center

Jennifer Aldrich, MD, Louis Katz School of Medicine, Temple Univ

Obianuju Allen Myahwegi, PharmD,

James Becker, MD, Univ of Pennsylvania

Jody Borgman, MD, Einstein Medical Center

Amy Cheng, PharmD, Temple Univ

William Fife, MD, Lancaster General Health

Justina Frimpong, PharmD,

Asceline Go, MD, Family First Health; York Hospital

Marla Gold, MD, Drexel Univ

Anisha Grover, PharmD, BCACP

Patricia Harrington, RN, EdD, The Univ of Scranton

Randy Heemer, PharmD, LECOM School of Pharmacy

Van Hellerslia, PharmD, Temple Univ

Margaret Hoffman-Terry, MD, FACP

Jeffrey Jacobson, MD, Temple Univ

Paula Johnston, BSPharm, AAHIVP, Coordinated Care Network Pharmacy

Deborah Kahal, MD, MPH

Michael Katzman, MD, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Patrick Kenny, EdD, MSN, BSN, Chandler Hall Hospice

William Keough, MD, MSc, FAAP, Infectious Diseases Society of America

Jeffrey Kirchner, DO, FAAFP, LG HEALTH

Adam Lake, MD, AAHIVS, CMQ, Lancaster General

Ana Lapp, RN

Nellie Lazar, MSN, CRNP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Carol Ann Lynch, BSN, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Margaret Miklich, PharmD,

Christopher Min, B., PharmD

Theresa Peterka-Carey, RN CCM AD, Amerihealth Caritas/Keystone First

Denise Ramsden , MSN RN CNL

Jarrett Sell, MD, AAHIVS, Penn State Medicine

Gina Simoncini, MD, MPH AAHIVM FACP, Temple Univ School of Medicine

Kathleen Squires , MD, Thomas Jefferson Univ

Mary Tanney, MSN, MPH, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Adolescent Medicine

Carole Treston, RN, MPH, ACRN, FAAN

Kristin Walker, RN, MSN, Health Federation of Philadelphia

Patience Wilkerson, RN

Sue Willard, PhD. MSN

Rachel Wion, MS, BSN, Pennsylvania State Univ

Judith Wolf, MD, Drexel Univ

Emily Wong, MD, PhD, HAN Infectious Disease

Joseph Yozviak, DO


Kathy Melbourne, PharmD, Gilead Sciences

Loretta Winde, RN, BSN, ACRN


Vilmarie Allison, ADN

LW Preston Church, MD

Jacob Lines, PharmD Candidate

Sandile Maziya

Ada Stewart, RPh,MD,FAAFP


Benjamin Andrews, MD, Christ Community Health Services

Drew Armstrong, PharmD

Robert Blackwell, MSN, RN,

Beverly Byram, MSN, FNP, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

Wadih Chakkour, Infectious Diseases, ETSU

Cody Chastain, MD, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

Kevin Hartman, PharmD, NPS Pharmacy

Rebecca Jackson, RN, BSN, Knox County Health Dept - COE

Catherine McGowan, MD, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

Robertson Nash, PhD, ACNP, BC,

Anna Person, MD, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

April Pettit, MD, MPH, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

Courtney Pitts, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC,

Stephen Raffanti, MD MPH, Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center

Anne Wilkes, LCSW CCM, BCBST


Ogechika Alozie, MD MPH

Laura Benjamins, MD, MPH

Maria Berger, PA, Univ of TX Medical Branch

Jeremy Chow, MD, MS, Univ of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Ronald Davis, BS Pharmacy, St. Hope Foundation Pharmacy

D. Trew Deckard, PA-C, MHS, AAHIVS, Steven M. Pounders, MD, PLLC

Lauren Dunnet, PharmD, Walgreens

Lynne Eger, M.D., Cook Children's Medical Center, Dept of Pediatric ID

Ruth Eser Jose, MSN

Esther Fasanmi, PharmD

Gabrielle Flores, BSN

Jason Gillman, MD, AIDS Arms, Inc.

Thomas Giordano, MD

Christina Harbison, PharmD, Walgreens

Selassie Hayibor, Bachelor of Pharmacy


Tracy Hicks, MSN, APRN, FNP/PMHNP-BC, Wellness Pointe

Parker Hudson, MD, MPH, Dell Medical School

Bethsheba Johnson, MSN, Gilead Sciences

Kenn Kirksey, PhD, RN, FAAN

Jennifer Klein, BA, BSN, MSN, Trinity Health and Wellness Center

Victoria Langston, MSN RN

Francesca Lee, MD

Judy Levison, MD, MPH, Baylor College of Medicine

Januari Lewis, PharmD

Carson Lo, MD

Anthony Luedicke, BS, MBA, Walgreens Specialty

Robert Manning , BSN, Harris Health System

Jacob Martinez, BSN, RN

Ann McCarty, PharmD

Chivon McMullen-Jackson, RN, BSN, Texas Children's Hospital/

Baylor College of Medicine

Brian Metzger, MD, MPH

Amy Moss, PharmD, Harris Health System

Benjamin Portnoy, MD, AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Steven Pounders, MD, Baylor Univ Med Center,

UTSW, Texas Health Presbyterian,Dallas

Terry Raburn, RN, BSN, ACRN, Texas Children's Hospital

Rachel Rivera, MD

Regina Ruffin, BS

Bryan Sackey, PharmD

Emmily Simmons, Pharm D

Gary Sinclair , MD, AIDS ARMS Inc.

Claire Thomas, MD

Cindi Tolliver, RPh, Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy

Jason Vercher, BA, MPAS, UTHSCSA

Gene Voskuhl, MD, AIDS Arms, Inc

Alexa Vyain, PharmD, Univ of Houston College of Pharmacy


Anna Atkinson , RN, MSN, ACRN, APHN-BC

Claudia Goulston, MD, Univ of Utah

Christine Jamjian, Pharm.D, Univ of Utah

Romany Redman, MD

Harry Rosado-Santos, MD, UU School of Medicine

Edward Stenehjem, MD, MSc, Intermountain Medical Center

Mary-Margaret Andrews, MD, Dartmouth Medical School

Dennis O'Neill, RN, ANAC/ACRN

Krystine Spiess, DO, Univ of Vermont Medical Center


Erin Athey, DNP, FNP-BC, RN, George Washington Univ

Yoseph Birku, MD

Janette Bowers, MSN, FNP-BC, Frederiksted Health Care

Robert Brennan, MD

Vivian Bruzzese, MD

Lindsey Buscemi, PharmD

Ella Curry, PhD, MTS, RN

Alycia Dickens , DNP, FNP-BC

Kyle Kinderknecht, MD

Crystal Leibrand, PharmD, PhD Candidate

Cindy Lewis, BSN, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Kathleen McManus, MD MSCR, Univ of Virginia

Rohit Modak, MD, MBA, Virginia Hospital Center

Jane Pollner, MD, Infectious Disease Consultants

Judy Wessell, DNP, EVMS, VCU, ODU

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