Jerry Bagel: Research in Eczema Is Lacking, Despite Progress in Psoriasis


Despite the life of a patient with eczema being in many ways similar to that of a patient with psoriasis, their options for treatment are not nearly as robust as the other dermatologic condition.

Despite the life of a patient with eczema being in many ways similar to those with psoriasis their options for treatment are not nearly as robust as the other dermatologic condition.

Jerry Bagel, MD, of the Psoriasis Treatment Center of Central New Jersey, said that while eczema and psoriasis are different diseases, patients still suffer as much. Despite the life of a patient with eczema being in many ways similar to those with psoriasis their options for treatment are not nearly as robust as the other dermatologic condition.

He said eczema often can be treated over time with moisturizers, baths, and other treatments before attempting a steroid. That is especially true in children, but in adults the eczema is often more painful and oozy, he said.

Because the use of steroidal treatments long-term can create adverse health effects such as cataracts and diabetes, new treatments are needed, Bagel added. Children who suffer should consider seeing a dermatologist versus a pediatrician, or even a pediatric dermatologist when available, and the doctor should engage the child in their treatment, by asking questions of the child directly if age appropriate.

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