Methamphetamine abuse is on a steady rise in the US. A new study highlights the nature and dangers of Meth-PAH.
“The focus on opioids overshadows another worsening drug plague,” read the title of an article in The Economist in June 2017.1 The encroaching plague is the resurgence of methamphetamine abuse that appears to have begun in western states in the US and is moving eastward, particularly affecting rural areas.A recent study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine looked at one specific outcome of Meth abuse â Meth-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (Meth-PAH), a severe, progressive form of PAH, with worse prognosis than idiopathic PAH (IPAH).This short slide show highglights the study and the results.Image on all slides ©style-photography/