
New Asthma Management Guidelines Primer with Dr. Anne Dixon


A discussion around obesity's effect on asthma, and the newest recommendations for managed care.

Episode highlights

0:19 Introduction
Introducing Dr. Dixon
The asthma-obesity association
Assessing asthma phenotypes
The Airways Clinical Research Centers
Creating asthma management guidelines
Intermittent ICS, SMART use
LAMA, LABA changes
Allergen exposure guidance
Immunotherapy use for asthma
FeNO management
Bronchial thermoplastic
What will be the next updates?
COVID-19 influence on asthma care
30:58 Gaps in asthma research
32:21 Outro

New guideline updates from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program delivered a litany of key recommendations for clinicians managing asthma, a condition has seen steady growth in both new cases and therapeutic options over the last decade.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported guidelines, published in December 2020, entailed 6 major changes to asthma management determined by an expert panel based off a six-year old needs assessment. Overall, the panel provided 19 new recommendations on the subject of management—an indication of how far the field has grown in so few years.

This very first 2021 episode of Lungcast, hosted by HCPLive and the American Lung Association (ALA), features a discussion between ALA chief medical officer Al Rizzo, MD, and guideline coauthor Anne Dixon, MD.

Dixon, a pulmonologist at the University of Vermont Medical Center and Medical Director of the Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Departments at The Robert Larner, MD College of Medicine, is a prolific investigator into the associations of obesity and metabolism in lung disease.

Between her longtime research into asthma phenotypes, their association with obesity and metabolism, and her significant role in clinical management advisory, Dixon is a vital source in the changing field of asthma care.

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