

New Insight: A Look at the OcuLenz with Michael Freeman, CEO of Ocutrx


Michael Freeman joins Veeral Sheth, MD to discuss the history of Ocutrx, its OcuLenz and OR-Bot products, and what he envisions in the next decade at the company.

Episode Highlights

0:06 Introduction

1:22 History of Ocutrx

9:05 A look at the Oculenz

18:27 Introduction of a caretaker app

19:26 A look at the OR-Bot

25:55 Envisioning the next decade at Ocutrx

29:02 Conclusion

Since the mid-20th century ushered in the ‘Information Age’, a desire for innovation has driven the pursuit of technological advancements. Many may immediately consider the transformations personal computers and smartphones have had on modern society, but these advancements have transformed medicine time and time again.

Now, as we enter the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and technological capabilities appear endless, the applications of this tech for healthcare are more important now than ever.

In this episode of New Insight, Michael Freeman, the chief executive officer of Ocutrx, joins host Veeral Sheth, MD, on New Insight to discuss the history of the company, its OcuLenz and OR-Bot products, and what he envisions for the company within the next decade.

Sheth and Freeman discuss Freeman’s background in the tech world and the history of Ocutrx, particularly the story of his father, Brigadier General Richard Freeman’s, diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Freeman’s career and achievements in the world of technology brought him two Emmy Awards and two Frost & Sullivan's Powering the Internet of Things awards after he and his brother, Mitch, invented streaming mobile video in the 1990s. The brothers have more than 80 combined patents across 6 scientific fields.

When his father was diagnosed with AMD, the drastic impact the disease had on his life led the inventors in the world of technology to pursue a solution that would correct the devastating effects of the retinal disease.

At Ocutrx, Freeman and the team are focused on developing the OcuLenz, an Augmented Reality (AR)/Extended Reality (XR) headset for low vision to help correct the devastating effects of central vision loss for patients with AMD, as well as other uses, including surgery and military operations.

The company has also focused on the development of its OR-Bot, a technology aimed to assist surgeons in the operating room visually and reduce pain during the completion of an operation. As nearly 100% of vascular surgeons report experiencing pain during the completion of an operation, the OR-Bot is designed to keep ergonomics front of mind during the procedure.

Every episode of New Insight is available on Watch full episodes on our YouTube channel and listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or the player below.

Direct all podcast-related inquiries to show producer Connor Iapoce and keep an eye out for more from New Insight!

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