As part of their overall health management, patients with diabetes are encouraged to undergo annual eye exams. While not all patients follow this direction, research is being done to better improve their eye health by working with their general practitioners.
As part of their overall health management, patients with diabetes are encouraged to undergo annual eye exams. While not all patients follow this direction, research is being done to better improve their eye health by working with their general practitioners.
David Rubaltelli, MD, from the Montefiore Health System, discussed the progress made in this work during the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO 2016) in Chicago, Illinois. Rubaltelli said the program requires a camera to take a picture of the back of the patient's eye, which is then collected by a technician, with patients getting a preliminary diagnosis within a week in most cases. The doctor said working closely with primary care physicians allows better and faster results which can help address any potential problems before they worsen.