June's month in review features stories related to myocarditis-like illnesses associated with mRNA vaccines, an AHA recommendation for prescribing physical activity, and some highs and lows for Medtronic medical devices. Check back around the end of each month for the next Cardiology Month in Review.
The AHA has released a scientific statement highlighting the importance of prescribing physical activity as a first-line treatment in patient populations with elevated blood pressure or elevated cholesterol.
2. Medtronic Halts Sale of HVAD System, FDA Issues Warning to Stop New Implants
After receiving more than 100 complaints, including some involving death, Medtronic has halted sale of the HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device System and the FDA has issued a warning to clinicians to stop new implants of the device.
3. Pair of Trials Demonstrate Reveal LINQ's Ability to Improve Detection of Atrial Fibrillation
Simultaneously published in JAMA, the PER DIEM and STROKE-AF trials demonstrate the ability of Medtronic's insertable cardiac monitor, Reveal LlNQ, to improve detection of atrial fibrillation in patients with a history of stroke.
4. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! An Anti-Vaxxer's Nightmare, with Arnold Meshkov, MD
Arnold Meshkov, MD, discusses the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines and gives perspective on the history of how vaccines have been used to help eradicate pandemics.
5. Survey Suggests Nearly 50% of Cardiologists Report Having a Hostile Work Environment
An analysis of survey data from cardiologists in multiple regions throughout the world portrays a field in need of reform, with more than 4-in-10 reporting a hostile work environment and some form of discrimination reported by 3-in-10 cardiologists.
6. More than 20% of CAD Patients Report Monthly Episodes of Angina
A cross-sectional analysis of data suggests more than 20% of patients with coronary artery disease report experiencing angina at least once a month while 12.5% report experiencing angina daily or weekly.
7. Case Series Details Treatment of Myocarditis-Like Illness Following COVID-19 Vaccination
A case series of 7 patients from a pair of US medical centers details the treatment and presentation of patients with myocarditis-like illness after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.