To help clinicians provide guidance to patients interested in cannabis therapies, the Canadian Rheumatology Association has issued a position statement. In this slideshow, we highlight the recommendations.
Patient interest in medical cannabis treatments has increased in recent years. However, no studies analyzing the use and impact of cannabis in rheumatology patients exist. To help clinicians provide beneficial guidance to patients interested in cannabis therapies, the Canadian Rheumatology Association has issued a position statement. In this slideshow, we highlight the recommendations.For more information on the position statement, see:Â “What’s a physician to do in the absence of clinical guidelines for cannabis?”
Fitzcharles MA, Zahedi NO, Hauser W, Hazelwood G, the Canadian Rheumatology Association. “Position Statement: A Pragmatic Approach for Medical Cannabis and Patients with Rheumatic Diseases.” Journal of Rheumatology. (2019), DOI: 10.3899/rheum.181120.