Barriers to care for lupus patients has been well-document over the years. And, now, a consortium called the Addressing Lupus Pillars for Health Advancement (ALPHA) Project, has come up with a roadmap designed to resolve barriers to care.
Barriers to care for lupus patients has been well-documented over the years. And, now, a consortium called the Addressing Lupus Pillars for Health Advancement (ALPHA) Project, has come up with a roadmap designed to resolve barriers to care.
Their plan will be presented on Friday at American College of Rheumatology annual meeting. In this video, Karin Tse, MPH, senior research manager of health outcomes with the Lupus Foundation of America, reviews the group’s recommendations.
ABSTRACT NUMBER: 0436. "The Addressing Lupus Pillars for Health Advancement (ALPHA) Project: Establishing Consensus and Prioritization of Global Community Recommendations to Address Major Challenges in Lupus Diagnosis, Care, Treatment and Research." Karin Tse. Friday, November 6, 2020.