Treating one patient for an illness can answer some questions for doctors. However, in many cases looking at the larger patient population can answer not only why the patients got sick, but what can be done to keep them healthy in the long run.
Treating one patient for an illness can answer some questions for doctors. However, in many cases looking at the larger patient population can answer not only why the patients got sick, but what can be done to keep them healthy in the long run.
Kay-Tee Khaw from Cambridge University gave the Geoffrey Rose Lecture on Population Sciences at the European Society of Cardiology's Annual Congress in London where she discussed how Rose's ideas apply to modern medicine.
As people fly to all corners of the world and settle in new places new challenges can be presented to various healthcare systems. How doctors handle these changes can affect the overall health of the people in their local area and beyond.
Khaw's discussion at the conference was entitled "Optimising Cardiovascular Health: Old and New Challenges.