A recent study conducted of patients with multiple sclerosis showed that a change could be coming in the field. Just as patients said they wanted to be more involved in their choice of treatment options, their healthcare professionals said they encouraged feedback from the patients.
A recent study conducted of patients with multiple sclerosis showed that a change could be coming in the field. Just as patients said they wanted to be more involved in their choice of treatment options, their healthcare professionals said they encouraged feedback from the patients.
Sibyl E. Wray, MD, From Hope Neurology Multiple Sclerosis Center discussed the results of the survey and what it could mean to treatment of the condition in the future during the American Academy of Neurology's annual meeting in Washington DC. The survey consisted of more than 900 patients and more than 900 doctors. Wray said more than 97% of doctors believe patients should be more involved in the decision making process. "They're more invested in their care when they help make the decision," she said.