Q&A With William Tierney From Regenstrief Institute: Inclusion of Notes a Difficult Decision in Electronic Health Records Collection


When converting medical records into an electronic form most of the work can be done without much consideration. However, when it comes to observations and other notes by healthcare professionals, how they are included and made available to patients can present the need for more in depth thought.

When converting medical records into an electronic form most of the work can be done without much consideration. However, when it comes to observations and other notes by healthcare professionals, how they are included and made available to patients can present the need for more in depth thought.

William M. Tierney, MD, President and CEO of the Regenstrief Institute and a professor at Indiana University discussed the potential pitfalls of including notes in these notes and the issues it could present for the doctors. Tierney also discussed the possibility of patients providing their own notes and how to measure their overall objectivity and and value in care.

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