In this week's news roundup from Rheumatology Network, we highlight a one-on-one discussion with Dr. Fotios Koumpouras, fellowship program director for rheumatology at Yale School of Medicine. Rheumatology education has undergone some changes since the start of the pandemic, he says. In this interview, he tells us how.
In this week's news roundup from Rheumatology Network, we had a special focus on bone health.
We highlighted a study from Osteoporosis International that showed adherence to osteoporosis therapies is suboptimal and worsens with time. And, in this week’s edition of the Rheuamtology Network podcast Overdrive, we spoke with a physician who addressed the need to test and treat osteoporosis patients who are at high risk for fractures. He described it as a public health crisis. You can download Overdrive on ITunes or bookmark our podcast here.
And, in our clinical quiz this week, we ask “Which RA drug has the least negative impact on bone mineral density?” For that and other quizzes on rheumatic disease, you can find that online on our site using the keyword “clinical quiz.”
And, this week, the FDA approved a third treatment for the rare autoimmune condition neuromyelitis optica, also called Devic's disease. It’s a condition that can cause blindness and paralysis and often coexists with other rheumatic diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Finally, in today’s one-on-one interview, we speak with Dr. Fotios Koumpouras, fellowship program director for rheumatology at Yale School of Medicine. Rheumatology education has undergone some changes since the start of the pandemic, he says. In this interview, he tells us how.