What’s new: cognitive behavioral therapy can combat opioid misuse, virtual reality provides an escape from pain, and an app helps prevent painful sports injuries.
1. Van Denburg AN, Vilardaga JP, Shelby RA, Keefe FJ. Opioid therapy and persistent pain: can cognitive behavioral therapy help? Pain. 2018;159:411-415. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001091.2. Indovina P, Barone D, Gallo L, et al. Virtual reality as a distraction intervention to relieve pain and distress during medical procedures: a comprehensive literature review. Clin J Pain. 2018 Feb 26. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000599.3. Wilkerson GB, Gupta A, Colston MA. Mitigating sports injury risks using internet of things and analytics approaches. Risk Analysis. March 12, 2018. doi:10.1111/risa.12984