
Cecilia Pessoa Gingerich & Brandon May


ADHD, ASD Risks Linked to Prenatal Painkillers

Several studies point to the links between prenatal exposure to painkillers and increased risks for ADHD and autism symptoms.

Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, MS, FACC


Shake Off the Winter Blues with Cardiology Review

Cardiology Review editor-in-chief Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, reviews the contents of this month's issue.

Mary A. Foulkes, PhD


Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Diabetes Prevention among Adherent Participants

Over 10 years, lifestyle intervention and metformin were cost-effective or cost saving compared with placebo.

Wolfram Doehner, MD, PhD


Impaired insulin sensitivity in patients with stable chronic heart failure

We showed that impaired insulin sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) significantly predicted impaired survival. Insulin resistance relates to an advanced disease state and higher mortality independent of body composition and established prognosticators, implicating a pathophysiologic role for insulin sensitivity in CHF. Patients with CHF may possibly benefit from early treatment of impaired insulin sensitivity, but further research is needed.

John Pfeifer, MD


Acute coronary syndromes and women: A new era

Women with acute coronary syndromes continue to be undertreated with pharmacologic therapy and invasive procedures, despite the fact that they receive the same benefits from therapy as men. Although the older age at diagnosis for women adds complexity to clinical decision making, studies show that an aggressive medical or interventional approach to acute coronary syndromes is often warranted and should be based on patient size, comorbidity, and renal function.

Gwenn Schurgin Oâ??Keeffe, MD, FAAP


Social Media Notebook: The Intersection of Health and the Law

Today, it's all about sexting, COPPA, and children's online privacy. Who knows what issues we'll have to face tomorrow?

Karol Watson, MD


How Should I Approach a Patient with Resistant Hypertension?

The true prevalence of resistant hypertension is unknown, but it is estimated to occur in up to 20% of patients with chronic hypertension.

Tim Harlan, MD (aka Dr. Gourmet)


Simple Steps to Cooking Like a Pro (Sort Of)

Dr. Gourmet offers some basic tips for cooking tasty, nutritious, and inexpensive meals at home.

Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-c, MSCN


Burnout: The End of the Hangover

Sometimes things we enjoy cause harm, and our career can be one of those do you make sense of that?

H. Jack West, MD


West's Points: Evolving Issues With ALK Rearrangements

H. Jack West, MD, takes a moment to talk about what he is finding in regard to anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangements seen in approximately 4% of patients with non�small cell lung cancer, as reviewed by Shaw et al in a September 2009 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Irving M. Pike, MD, FACG


Enhancing Efficiency in the Endo Suite

The need exists to achieve maximum efficieny in the endo suite while maintaining maximum qualty.

Sanjey Gupta, MD


Manuel Delgado, 9/11 Paramedic and Survivor, Reflects 15 Years Later

On 9/11/01 Manuel Delgado was a paramedic caring for patients at the base of the south tower. Delgado shares his first hand account of the attack on the building, patient care, survival, and the implications of events of the day on paramedic practice in New York City.

Danielle Mroz, MA


Renally-Impaired Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection Find Success with Low Dose of TDF

A low dose of TDF may help to preserve renal function and maintain viral suppression in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection, even those with advanced liver disease.

Anita T. Shaffer


Targeted Agents Boost Hormonal Therapies In Breast Cancer

Although hormonal therapy has been long established in the treatment of breast cancer, novel combinations with targeted agents show promise for improved outcomes and are likely to become part of a new paradigm for managing patients.

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