
Mark L. Fuerst


CV Risk in Rheumatic Disease

(1) Inflammatory diseases raise risk of venous thromboembolism; (2) antiphospholipid antibodies play a role in MI; (3) persistent hyperuricemia predicts mortality.

Salina Graves, MD


ADHD Continues to Rise in Children

From 2010 to 2017, there was an increase of over 30% in the number of commercially insured children being diagnosed with ADHD.

By Dinah from Shrink Rap


In Treatment: Jesse. Adele. Week 2.

What happened in the latest episode of HBO's In Treatment, and how does it apply to real-life therapy?

Kenneth M. Zangwell, MD


How Should I Manage This Man's Pustulovesicular Rash?

A 61 year old male is seen by you for a 3 day history of progressive burning and tingling in the right mid-back area. He reports this morning his wife reports the development of a rash in the area of his symptoms. Examination reveals several grouped pustulovesicular lesions in a right T10 distribution. He denies ever having chickenpox as a child.

RoseMarie Pasmantier, MD, is assistant professor of medicine, Division of Endocrinology, State University of New York Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, NY.


Insulin resistance and heart failure

The prevalence of obesity and heart failure has been increasing. A report linking the 2 found an increased risk of heart failure of 5% for men and 7% for women for each increment of 1 in body mass index (BMI).

Gail Connor Roche


Flu Vaccine Stored for Pandemic Risk Found Safe, Immunogenic

The National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile has been storing vaccines for particular pandemic-potential viruses since 2005.

Jared Houck, HIT Squad blogger


Why the iPad Will Not Be Used for Healthcare IT

Some health care IT industry heavyweights have gone so far as to suggest that the iPad will be greatly utilized in the healthcare setting and revolutionize the way we do business. While I do think the iPad is incredibly shiny and is great computer replacement for your grandma, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to suggest that it will ever be fully adopted by healthcare IT shops.

Daniel Weiss


Serdaxin Active Ingredient Found to Enhance Neurotransmitter Release

The mechanism of action of clavulanic acid, the active ingredient in Rexahn Pharmaceuticals' Serdaxin, was investigated in a recent study.

Elizabeth J. Masterson, MD


Nonischemic cardiomyopathy and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators

We assessed whether duration of nonischemic cardiomyopathy was related to the degree of benefit from implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) insertion. Subjects who had a recent diagnosis of nonischemic cardiomyopathy had at least a similar benefit from ICD insertion as did those with a remote diagnosis. These results indicate that ICD therapy should be considered in such patients as soon as they are diagnosed and once reversible causes of left ventricular dysfunction have been excluded.

Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH3


Incidence of death and MI associated with stopping clopidogrel after ACS

Rates of death and myocardial infarction were assessed for a national sample of acute coronary syndrome patients after stopping clopidogrel. In the first 90 days after stopping treatment, patients experienced a nearly twofold increased risk of adverse events compared with subsequent follow-up intervals for patients treated medically without stents and for patients treated with coronary stents. This suggests a possible clopidogrel rebound effect, but additional studies are needed to support this hypothesis and to identify strategies to reduce early events after clopidogrel cessation.

J. Willis Hurst, MD, MACP


Self-learning Clinical Medicine under the Guidance of a True Teacher

The standard methods of teaching clinical medicine are stated. Lectures are simply sources of information that may not always be understood or used by the listeners. Lecturers are not true teachers, because they have no feedback from the listeners. Certain aspects of self-learning are described. This method of learning, guided by a true teacher, should be mastered during internship and residency. Self-learning places patients at the center of the activity where doctors care for them and simultaneously learn medicine by asking themselves questions about their patients and searching for the answers. A clinician who learns medicine using this approach may know more about a problem than can be found in standard textbooks. Textbooks discuss the general rules about an illness, whereas the expert clinician may know the exceptions to such rules. The self-learner always correlates the data found by one technique with the data found using other techniques. This approach improves all skills, including thinking. The self-learner must teach. This discipline demands that trainees organize the data they collect and improve their skill of communication. Finally, trainees should learn early in their training that good doctors make many types of decisions about their patients, and such decisions must always be made in favor of the comfort and convenience of their patients.

Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado.


Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation-trends in the United States

The use of anticoagulation therapy for atrial fibrillation has slowly increased in the last decade, yet many patients at relatively high risk for thromboembolic events are still not receiving anticoagulants. Patients receiving therapy that is intended to maintain sinus rhythm may be at higher risk for underuse of anticoagulation therapy than those receiving rate control therapies. In addition, the increase in the use of anticoagulation therapy appears to have been particularly notable among patients for whom it may not be indicated and in whom safer, less expensive antithrombotic therapies would suffice.

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