Key Elements in Glucose Monitoring
Richard Bergman, PhD, discusses the interplay of free fatty acids, adipose tissue, and insulin resistance in understanding diabetes.
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Pharmacotherapy Updates and Recent FDA Action
In the second half of a panel discussion, presenters discuss newly approved drugs for metabolic conditions and upcoming FDA decisions.
Need-to-Know Research on Diabetes, Hypertension, and Retinopathy
A panel of experts discussed the results of ACCORD and other trials and their possible impact on guidelines for clinical practice.
Genetics of Obesity
Jeffrey Friedman discusses the influence of leptin and the genetic factors that influence how we eat and why we eat.
Inflammation and its Effects on Cardiovascular Health Part 2
Paul Ridker, MD, discusses inflammation and cardiometabolic risk by highlighting the Jupiter study.
Inflammation and its Effects on Cardiovascular Health Part 1
Peter Libby, MD, discusses the science behind inflammation and cardiovascular health.
Information for Attendees of the CMHC 2010 Annual Meeting
The 2010 Cardiometabolic Health Congress will take place October 20-23, 2010, at the Sheraton Hotel, in Boston, MA.