RN Practice Poll #3: Managing Stage IV Lupus Nephritis


In honor of Lupus Awareness Month, Rheumatology Network's third Practice Poll addresses a crucial unresolved question in rheumatology practice: How to manage severe lupus nephritis.

In honor of Lupus Awareness Month, Practice Poll #3 addresses an unmet need for rigorous knowledge about management of severe lupus nephritis.

Until better guidance exists, what is your best judgment for this challenge:

See also:

Practice Poll #1: Your Strategy After MTX Fails in RA

Practice Poll #2: MTX Plus Anti-TNF Fails in RA. What Next?


For a lupus patient with active stage IV nephritis, I use:

Cyclophosphamide IV monthly
Pulse steroids alone
Pulse steroids + cyclophosphamide
Pulse steroids + mycophenolate
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