Physician's Money Digest
According to industry experts,it's becoming more difficult torecruit qualified physicianstoday, due in part to intensecompetition. As a result, a variety ofincentives are common in most doctor employmentoffers.
According to Pinnacle Health Group(PHG), a physician recruitment firm,physician recruiting laws aren't alwaysclear. In fact, they can sometimes be verydifficult to interpret.
How does a doctor determine agood offer of employment? Accordingto PHG, in general, physicians shouldnot agree to refer patients to a facility inexchange for money or other benefits.They should also not accept financialincentives significantly higher than currentnorms.
However, according to the new rules,hospitals can offer the following:
According to PHG, it is usually easierfor tax-exempt hospitals to justifyincentives provided to a physician whobecomes a hospital employee. Whilenot specifically prohibited, recruitingincentives provided to physicians enteringprivate practice should be more limitedas they invite closer IRS observation.
The information from PHG was adaptedfrom its article "Pushing the Envelope: How FarCan We Go to Get That Physician?" by MichaelBroxterman and Jacques Couvillon. For moreinformation on PHG, call 800-492-7771 or