

Physician's Money Digest

January15 2005
Issue 1

Change & Growth: Keys to a Satisfying Life

My late mom, who was mybest friend when I wasyoung, told me that whenone door closes, anotheropens. Philosophically, she was right.

I got into the publishing businessthrough trying something new—and it'sthe best thing that ever happened to me.The communications profession is, atonce, vexing and rewarding and one I love.

Getting Going

Beginning in the 1980s, I happilycut my journalistic teeth as the editor ofmy hometown newspaper on the NewJersey Shore. It's an experience forwhich I am both grateful and better. Igot to taste the news business and growas a person. And grow I did, performingevery task from delivering newspapersin the rain to interviewing US SenatorBill Bradley.

Thanks to another endeavor atchange—I never earned more than$20,000 a year as a weekly newspapereditor—I came to work on this doctor'smagazine in 1994. That was the yearthat our company's now departingCEO, Jack Hennessy, had the vision topublish a personal finance magazinefrom which busy doctors could gainboth knowledge and self-empowerment.Jack, a daring entrepreneur to thecore, pushed me off on my magazinecareer when he advised, "Fill it withquality stuff, Kelly, doctors can spotgarbage in a minute." The assemblyand gathering of news—practical anduseful economic editorial for doctors—was to be my new profession. I've neverregretted a day of it.

The magazine you're reading (andreading well, as we're perennial championsin cover-to-cover readership) is aproduct of New Jersey-based MedicalWorld Communications—perhaps thenation's most well-rounded health publisher.Just recently we were purchasedby Ascend Media, Inc, a dynamic upand coming health business communicationscompany.

The Dream

Physician's Money Digest

By many measures, Jack's dream ofmaking amagazine that doctors "read" has becomea reality. But it hasn't been simple.The medical publishing business is verycompetitive. This magazine, whichmails to 180,000 US primary carephysicians twice each month, vies withthe titans of medical publishing. Everyissue competes for a very busy doctor'stime against top medical magazines thathave been publishing for more than 50years. That's the big leagues.

As an editor, I'm proud to have themagazine mentioned among some ofAmerica's greatest medical publications.By some counts, today's primarycare doctor receives up to 70 magazinesper month. And everyone knows thatphysicians are busy people who placegreat value on their reading time. "Idon't put my brain in gear for everything,"one doctor told me. (He doesfor us, thankfully.)

Through the years, I've been awed bythe dedication and creativity of our editorial,production, sales, and support staff.In writing this column, and the interactionthat it has brought me, I have learnedhow much our doctor-readers enjoy ourpersonal finance magazine and rely on itfor news and guidance.

I thank Jack for opening a door, andto all you doctors who have sustained thisexceptional magazine for a decade,thanks for keeping that door open. Havea great new year and keep reading.

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